Another night of strange happening
Retreated to my bed for rest
Snugged in…nice…warm and cozy
I awoke, in the middle of the night
To find me hovering over my body
Wow! I can see my bed
Wow! I can see my mate
Oh my! I can see me!
As I began to float out of the Bedroom
Into the hall…I felt a cool breeze on my feet..
"The bathroom window left open?"
I continue to float down the hall
Straight into the bathroom…"Window straight ahead."
Just as my feet reached the window… as if... I am going outside!
I thought to myself…Wait…No! I don’t want to go out there
Suddenly I went in reverse…floating…out of the bathroom
Down the hall and landing back in my body.
Snugged…Warm and Cozy…
What puzzled me… is… why would my heart be raising, as if
my body was on the journey to the bathroom…last time I checked
it was still in the bed.
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