From The Realm of a Dream into The Realm of the Physical

I closed my eye to rest, yet fell into a deep sleep.
Before me stood three boxes
The first box was shaped like the miniature coffin in my home office.
The middle box appeared as a casket, which levitated off the grown, in the casket was the bones of a very young child.
The third box appeared like the shape of a square door, with a small pad lock, yet the lock was broke and hanging part way open.
I walked closer to the middle box, to get a better look...what began to stand out to me, was the child bones. they were white as snow, I glanced over at the third box and became troubled in spirit as I look upon the broken lock...I a woke unsettled in my soul.
Six months later...
I a woke to a startling phone call and found myself leaving out my home at 12:45 a.m. to retrieve a very young child from harms way.
The child stayed in our home for one yr and six month.
The child mom came with conflict and confusion-Chaos came in like a tornado.
locks were broken-trust was broken- security was breached
When all was said and done....our family and home was repaired.
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