Doing The Math (Part II)
Demons believe in God and tremble. They are outside " The Goldilocks Zone". Hence, they prophecy falsely. They only see either the heat that burns mercury and venus (from the ball of the Sun), or the ice that freezes mars, saturn, jupiter etc. To them, the earth is a hologram, an illusion without any sense of comfort. Therefore, they say things like "God has no Son" and "God is impersonal" .. ... because the Holy Spirit is beyond their awareness. This is why She is called "Holy". Holy means set apart, safeguarded, free of all defilement/pollution/corruption. The light of the Spirit has "no fellowship with darkeness". Of course here darkness is symbolic of not being able to see, and therefore without full knowledge or awareness of what lies before your face.
By analogy, the bossom of The Father is "The Goldilocks Zone". Where Deity (God-being/Love) is, there is Life! Outside that zone is death. Here. Today. You are in a "foretaste" of that Zone, although it is also the "residue" of a time when that Zone was first imagined "perfectly". And it is only through the infusion of the Deity back into the dying and decaying bits that is going to restore things to "a New Heaven and a New Earth" (new meaning "renewed").
If you deny The Child, you deny yourSelf eternal life and risk being dead wood for the flames when the current expansion (fragmentation) contracts, and Deity becomes "All in all" (1 Corinthians 15).
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