Let's do some math

Deity (God-being) is experienced through three persons. Deity binds Will, Word and Breath as One (YAHOVAH/YAHWEH)
Will is uncommunicatable (ineffible; transcendent; intangible; non-locatable) and is called "Father"; "The Unbegotten"; "The Prime Mover". Other names for this One are Allah, Brahma, Theos. In terms of imagery, this One might be analogous to the invisible moisture in the atmosphere; or to the sky as a 'blank canvas'; or the 'earth' in which a tree is planted and grows; or the ball of the 'sun' beyond our capacity to reach or exist within.
Word is communicable (utterable; accessible; evident; tangible; locatable) and is called "Child"; "The Begotten"; "The Tree of Life". Other names for this One are Logos (meaning source of all malleable substance together with coded structure, a code which is either realised or dormant); The Christ; The Unblemmished Self; Aum (the gifted authorisation providing mass to all creation) and Atman (as unmanifest)/ParamIshvara (as manifest). In terms of imagery, this One might be analogous to the possibility of snowflakes that can form into a mountain of ice; or of the pigments that can form a spectrum of 'paint' colours; or of the cells that make up organic vegetation in a log of 'wood'; or of the particles of light from the sun that makes things visible.
Breath is communicating (audible even in silence; elusive; sensed; flowing unbounded) and is called "Spirit"; "The Handmaid"; "The Power". Other names for this One are Shakinnah, Sophia, Shakti, Ganga and Agni. In terms of imagery, this One might be analogous to water that flows untamed; or the 'brushing' of paint onto the canvass of the sky; or the fire that burns up dead wood; or the heat of the sun.
Will (Father) is God-being, Word (Child) is God-being, and Breath (Spirit) is God-being; and this God-being is Love. There is One True Love. There is One True Deity. The Father is Deity. The Child is Deity. The Spirit is Deity. The three are One Deity, they are One Love Relationship. They are inseparable and irreducible. And the Child can experience death. Layers of wood can peel off, and dry bark can be consumed by the flames. Only the Child has such qualities. When the Spirit, as water is in the Child then the Child is "The Tree of Life" (also called The Vine). When the Spirit is outside the Child then the dying Child is susceptible to the Spirit as heat. Fully dead bits of the Vine are arsoned as dross. That is why in Genesis our ancestors were told that outside the Garden (a place of communion with God-being) they would "die". It is also why Jesus said, "Blasphemy against the Father or the Son will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven".
In 2010, while I was a Muslim the Risen Christ came to me in an sort of Out of Body Experience. Among other things he said were, "You misunderstood Our triumvirate identity; you desiccated it." At the time, I did not understand what that meant. But I was determined to respond and find out. After many years of grappling with hard existential questions following that visitation, it seems that there are three Persons who share one Identity: Will, Word and Breath. As persons, we use more personal language to speak of this Deity (God-Being/Love): Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
When we separate the Son from Father and Spirit, we dry him out and leave him vulnerable to the heat. As Aum symbol, the Son is that of a Vedic flame upon an altar. It is the idea that the Self may undergo death and rebirth, like the phoenix. It is this same idea depicted by Jesus upon a cross, also referred to as "the Lamb of God".
If Jesus did not "give up" his Spirit, he would not have died. But instead, he did release that water (our mountain of snow melted!!!)... and he did so in order to give revivifying life to "dying wood" (*you and me*!). We are made of the same substance as all of Creation: "Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made." (John 1:3)
What does it mean the words that beckon "The Spirit and the Bride say, 'Come!'" (Revelations 22:17)?
Let me explain them and how this God-being (Three Persons in One God) relates to that Invitation. The story of Abraham (the vicarious founder of the world's monothesims of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is one of hope. Abraham's God promised to graft a dying branch of Creation (called humainty) into the side of the Tree of Life. This is because the children of Adam had been "cut off" their source of eternal spiritual vitality. Here is where you ask yourself, "Am I spiritually living, or spiritually dying?"
Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but those who are sick." (Mark 2:17 ; Matthew 9:12 ; Luke 5:13). He said this as he was going around healing the sick and rising dead people to life. Jesus (a child from the flesh of Eve, via Mary) was the incarnation of the Child: that One of the Deity, that One God-being who shared our nature because our nature came from him! (Our ancestor Adam was created in his image). We share the same blueprint as potential "hosts" of the Spirit of God. When we start to realise that potential, it is then we become part of "The Bride" (also called the "Mystical Body" and "the True Church".
Just as with Eve being brought from Adam's flesh, so in reverse the Resurrected Christ invites us to be grafted back into the original image of perfect God-being. We are being invited back into Love, "that we might have life and have it to the full!" (John 10:10). By analogy, Shiva cannot be Mahadev without his Shakti, so too you cannot go on living without the Spirit, just as to cut off your breath would extinguish your fire of consciousness.
If you are spiritually dying, come to the bossom of the Father through the side of Christ who was pierced for you. Enter the True Vine and discover Paradise Lost. I am not talking about a magical fix to the world around you, but a restoration of the garden within your heart--your inner terrain. For the healing of all Creation must start there and nowhere else.
God Bless You
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