Poem -

The Woman's Movement

The Woman's Movement

I have come to the conclusion
that the only true and real feminist
in the world
is the woman who was born
with everything and without worry
without thoughts of
spending, buying, giving and receiving
maybe void of needing a human touch at all?
those like myself
who were born without any type of spoon
 unable to drink even sour milk some days
I suspect will tell you
the same as I?
I don't mind a gentleman opening the door for me
or paying for a romantic dinner
nor do I mind if he wants to buy me roses
or drive me round in his car
I don't mind at all
if he puts me on the pedestal
that I believe I deserve
nor do I mind
ironing and washing or hoovering, cleaning the windows, putting out the rubbish
I'm not a princess?
I can do it all
and my vote?
well there's no one left to vote for is there?  
the pit of the barrel
ego driven wannabe politicians
that I wouldn't want to give my precious vote too
after all
it's not all about
who made
 the apple crumble and custard is it?
you make it today
 I’ll make it tomorrow
and who paid what and who did what?
Adam and Eve
would have probably told you that, themselves.


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John Smith

The Best of Friends. Makes for the Best Of Lovers. Great Write. Jacques.

Shirley Harrison

I have many friends some can't live without their other half those who can absolutely then I? Happy to pitch in when and where is necessary, just to plod on. 🌹 


Hi Shirley, marvelous write. I suspect women will never have true equality. Even the factual biology of woman is being debated in courts these days. I find this world harder and harder to bear X

Shirley Harrison

Yes personally I prefer old fashioned ways, but I guess everyone has their own ideas. 🌹 Thank you so much dear Marion. ❤️ 

Rory McGinlay

Surely I'm no misogynist, but more traditional than I'd care for people to think

Shirley Harrison

I was also dwelling on a gentleman's point of view here, do they even think non of us ladies like the traditional things like doors open and pedestals?  I often wander this, as I have many friends who would be shocked if the door was actually opened or indeed if a bunch of flowers were to appear. LoL isn't the world strange these days. I think I could put money on you being a perfect gentleman dear Rory, if not a bit shy or timid at first 🌹 

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