Poem -

A Big Hole In Our Heart

A Big Hole In Our Heart

There's times when people are hard to understand

Most likely caused by unknown factors

These things that can happen to all of us at times

Then love kicks in and that's all that matters

We make allowances for a change in the weather

We should also be aware of our moods

They can make us see things that really aren't there

Sadly they can be reason for feuds

Just try to understand the changing patterns

That affect us guys sooner or later

Sometimes it can leave a big hole in our heart

Which soon can become a big crater

A real open mind is the thing you must have

To make sense of how love does evolve

Though it doesn't always follow and make good sense

Don't lose hope the problem will be solved

One needs compassion to help us get through

Not everyday will come up solid gold

The secret of life and real happy experiences

Is fulfilling and such a joy to behold

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Tony Taylor

So true Brother JACK!!.... sometimes I find the best thing to do when a confrontation seems imminent or something just doesn't go right......I remember that tomorrow is another day...... and that compromise ~ even though you may be angry is always best..... because things are clearer in retrospect.... if you react immediately in a negative way..... it can leave that hole in your heart you speak of so poetically here....... great subject matter and wisdom delivered here my friend.......ALL STARS........ been enjoying these insightful pieces from you lately........ high fives!!.....T xo

Jack Ellison

Whoaaa! Tony my man... you and I are definitely on the same page! That's why the ladies love us eh!!! lol Thanks once again dear friend!!! xx

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