Poem -

A New Heaven

A New Heaven

 What is in the darkness to fear
What source of light is missing from there?
How does one free their soul from mischief
And find the goals they can aim for in life?
We have no reason not to believe in a new world
Far from the dungeons taking shape in our soul.
Why does a person speculate with a dream?
As if the vision had something they have seen
Arising from many questions in a person’s mind,
Searching for the solutions they must arguably find
How to survive on this land before inexplicable death,
Finds a phenomenal body waiting with the new breathe.
And leaves the impoverished existence of a relationship
As though it had been lifted from gloom into hope.
Hell has its abysses and those images abuses
but heaven promises all the glories that belong to us.
Excludes everything, which drives temptation to something
There is a new heaven of mind we find most appealing.
With endless possibilities, heaven is void of all trivialities,
For it's not here alone we have responsibilities.
That will be renewed by indescribably integrity,
Now, unforeseen guilt draw upon our soul exhaustedly.
For we think of death larger than the paradise appearing,
In a corner high in the sky security much more is reaping.
The rewards set down in life as in death we accommodate
Peace from all the trials that surrounds our distinguish fate.
snares have no terrors that we are not able to forget
once we have left this terrible soil without regret.


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