A Pug's Life

A Children's Ballad
...for a very special birthday boy
There is a town not far from here
called Stercus-on-the-Loo
Where lives a pup with small black ears
his name is Puggy-Poo.
Next door to him, lives Gerry-Boo
A young, but tall, giraffe
His neck is long and spotted too
and this makes Puggy laugh.
These two were never best of friends
They never shared their toys
They never played till evening’s end
with other girls and boys.
For Puggy was a cheeky pug
whom Gerry didn’t like.
And Gerry could be more than smug
whilst riding on his bike.
They never spoke to one another
Though living side by side.
But each boy dearly loved his mother
And each was Mamma’s Pride.
Now Puggy had a strange obsession
It filled his puppy’s mind
He dearly loved his swimming sessions
and pools of every kind.
The dearest wish of Puggy-Poo
His mother had forbade
To swim across the River Loo
without a friend or aid.
But Puggy was a wilful pup
Despite his Mamma’s rule
And so one morning, he got up
but didn’t go to school.
Instead, he walked along the bank
in shorts and swimming cap
and jumped right in; he didn’t think!
The silly little chap!!
At first he swam a good way out
Paws kicking at the double
But then, in fear, he gave a shout
He knew he was in trouble!!
The river was so fast and cold
not like the swimming pool.
The pug wished he’d not been so bold
and had just gone to school.
The River Loo smelled just like rot
Which nobody could drink.
But Puggy’d leapt in without thought
and soon began to sink.
So as his blood began to cool
He called one final, “Help!”
And Gerry ~ on his bike to school ~
Could hear poor Puggy’s yelp.
As Gerry called, in great alarm,
“There’s no-one I can tell!”
He saw wee Puggy’s flailing arms
above the river's swell.
But Gerry was a tall giraffe
with long and spotted neck
He couldn’t see a nearby raft
And so he cried, “Oh heck!!
“The River Loo is fast and deep
but it’s not all that wide!”
So Gerry-Boo began to creep
down to the riverside.
And once he reached the water’s edge
He saw the drowning pug:-
He stretched his head out from the ledge
And plucked him with a tug.
He tossed poor Puggy on the bank
and sighed with great relief.
As Puggy cried, “Oh thank you ~ thanks! ~
your necked just saved my life!!”
So both these boys now share their toys
His mother, each attends
A happy playtime each enjoys
now that they’re best of friends.

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Hi sweetheart, both my boys absolutely loved this as did I, you are so thoughtful and this is fantastic. Thank you so much
I love this and you
Your Lorna
Well darling. I'm so glad the boys enjoyed it...and more glad that they had a lovely day yesterday.
All my love,
your Jason XxXxXxXx
Dude!!.... you never cease to amaze me!.....a flawlessly delivered ...,,rhythmically perfect .....ingeniously simple...... piece of poetic joy!!..... Your versatility shines like no other!!..... Your gift with words is almost annoying it's THAT good!!.....I pray you publish brother!!..... along with Merrill there are no others ' afore ye!' ~ smiles!!...... seriously, a brilliant write JASON!!...... Glide On Love my friend!!..... Peace......T xo ??✳✳
Thanks Tony. Your words are more than generous and have a tendency to swell my ego like a river about to burst its banks.
So glad you liked this.
J ;)
Jason I love this, it's adorable. I could see myself reading it to my future children as a fully illustrated book! It made me smile too, and that typically doesn't happen. I really really enjoyed it!
Ah...thanks Lily...that means so much.
When I first came up with the idea for this, I tried to get Lorna to illustrate the story; but she claims not to be able to draw pugs well enough (I remain unconvinced!).
Again, thank you so much...I'm really glad you enjoyed it.
J xx
Hi Jason, I had my grandchildren over today and read this to them and they loved it!! you really have got through to the childlike mentality that sparks their imagination! well done!!! It's a super piece of work...maybe you should think about writing childrens books as well- my friend recently decided on this and is now on his 5th Book!!!
Lodigiana xxx
Thank you so much.
I'm so glad that your grandchildren enjoyed it; I wrote this for Lorna's two boys (hence the choice of their respective favourite animals as characters) and now they both think of 'Stercus-on-the-Loo' as their town.
As for writing for children...the thought has crossed my mind, I will admit. But then I remember the episode of Black Books where Bernard and Manny write a children's book and the mere thought of the (inevitable!) fame & fortune it will bring drives them to the point of drink-fuelled insanity and they have no choice but to destroy it! It's a cautionary tale...it really is!!
Again...thank so much for your kind words.
J ;)
Your rationale has really made me smile!! but seriously you do have a real talent and as long as you are not obsessed with fame and fortune and stay well away from the demon drink - you might just become a great addition to childrens literature! ..good luck!
Lodigiana xxx
This was more than terrific Jason
those pugs are super cute &
this is a fabulous poem for kids
and big kids too
very much enjoyed
best from Jai:)))
Thanks Jai...that's very kind of you.
I had to laugh at your comment, because "cute" is precisely how Lorna's son describes pugs...he'll be chuffed that you think so too. I suppose pugs are the doggy equivalent of Vegemite...you either love them or loathe them ... but those of us who love them...really love them!!!
Thanks again.
J ;)
My Dear Friend Jason,
My birthday is on July 20th, and I certainly would relish receiving a gift so beautiful on it.
Puggy Poo and Gerry Boo
Two very different breeds
And with both their own smug attitudes
Not ever friends indeed
But one day our dear Puggy Poo
Was in the dire Straits
Sinking, he cried out one last time
For someone save him from his fate
Garry Boo then heard his plea
Deftly rescued him to shore
And on that day, their souls were bound
Becoming mates for evermore
Peace and Love, my eternal friend
Larry xxx
Larry, my dear friend...
Thank you so much. I love your poetic take on this little tale and I've no doubt that Lorna's boys will love it too (possibly more than the original!!).
your friend & fan,
J ;)
My Dear Friend Jason,
I love your poetic take on this little tale and I've no doubt that Lorna's boys will love it too (possibly more than the original!!).
To these words I say "Puggy-Poo"
I explain it all in this Haiku
He shows me the way
This brilliant wise scholar
I copy his thoughts
Luv Ya,
Larry xxx
Hi, Jason!
What a wonderful adventure you take us on! The story is sweet, the rhythm is perfect and the friendship between, Puggy and Gerry makes me smile! This poem would make for great children's book!
Thanks Linda.
So happy that you enjoyed it.
J ;)
Sorry for the delayed response, Greg...I just noticed your comment a few moments ago...
Thank you so much; I'm glad you enjoyed it.
J ;)
Excellent poem and very funny!
I'm glad you liked it.
J ;)
Jason this is just adorable, pugs are my favorite breed of dogs. I sure love this!