Achtung! Spitfire!

Achtung! Spitfire!
The last words of a German pilot said,
His bomber like him now suddenly dead.
His desperate crew bale out a rear end panel,
As yet another Heinkel crashes in the Channel.
Above Great Britain's azure blue skies,
A most pleasing sight to greet all eyes.
A majestic Spitfire performs a victory roll,
One of many taking an enemy high toll.
An aircraft of the most beautiful design,
For a Messerschmitt pilot a worrying sign.
Every Spitfire delivers a mighty punch,
By pilots so young and a hearty bunch.
Along with others it helped turned the tide,
Goering's Luftwaffe then had to run and hide.
Young pilots who gave their lives for all others,
Of many nationalities were these flying brothers.
Never in the field of human conflict,
Was so much owed by so many to so few.
Winston Churchill.

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Gotta love such an iconic plane x