
Stay home or die. Do as told or get it. Corden off the diseased. Wide spread panic contained by army and the long arm of the monitor apps and fast appearing laws. Crept back in, they call it resurgence, of government control maybe. A thoughtful common statement not answered, a just getting by commoner silenced in this storm. A bunch of people, is it the aim to infect, take stock and throw out the rotten, invaluable, vulnerable, misspoken, not willing to put up with the removal of their rights. Mass slaughter no blood, no mass gatherings thee shall not have the chance to be side by side. Actually there a species, have a need to find a suitable host. Feed off the population until the planet has a slim chance to sustain the descendants of covid 19.
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An interesting write x
Thank you . I hope being you .... wonderful you will enable you, and others who value being themselves to not get submissive and refuse to giveth of themselves too outreaching mark .
Yeah totally , really sucks for modern reality .