all my fear was forgot
In darkness I seem to wonder
With no one to lead the way
I seem in a constant fumbleĀ
Of the words I need to say.
I feel a constant nagging
In the back reaches of my brain
Saying my shoulders need be sagging
For all I do is in vain.
There are words spoken from the shadows
Whispers that beckon for me
They speak of peaceful meadows
And things I need to see.
Should I follow their voices?
Their sweet chants of the light
What if all my choices
Blind me from true sight?
Wishing upon the stars above
I ask for guidance not granted
So to my doom I follow the dove
Of those shadow voices chanted.
Sweet peace is swept atop my skin
And darkness engulfs my thought
And I dream of past days when
All my fear was forgot.
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