Dedicated to Annette

Dear sir/madam, I write to you today,
To express concerns in my own way.
These trying troubles do rule my heart,
And what follows now is just the start.
I've endured many a sleepless night,
With what is the focus of my plight.
My desperate letter I hope you'll receive,
Then for you to judge and then perceive.
It's Poetry at the heart of the matter,
Seems all four winds have made it scatter.
Poetry dismally destined to be lost in time,
No poems of reason or poems of rhyme.
In today's society a subject deemed taboo,
So I write promptly seeking help from you.
Your newspaper's the finest second to none,
With items reaching out touching everyone.
Please, please, I beseech of you only one thing,
Begin a poetry section and the good it'll bring.
I'm realistic to know that decision is yours,
A revival of Poetry perhaps can open new doors.
For Poetry is art and culture combined,
And food for thought for a reader's mind.
I hope my suggestion is seen as a plus,
Yours Sincerely and Poetically,
Dedicated to Annette who I was fortunate to meet today 08/10/2021 (14.40 P.M) at
The Enchanted Museum.
And not forgetting bonnie beastie Gracie.
Thank you for visiting and for kindly bringing the mild dry weather.
It was a pleasure to meet and to talk with you about poetry, poems and Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
This one you never heard but I hope you like it for it is yours now to keep forever.
May God Bless and Keep you and simply enjoy all the good things this life can happily bestow.
And thank you and how right you are when you say, Amor Vincit Omnia.
You also mentioned Audrey Hepburn and her tireless UNICEF work.
So for you Annette here's Audrey...
Audrey Hepburn Eloquence and Elegance
'The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure that she carries,
Or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides.
True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It's the caring that she lovingly gives,
The passion that she shows,
And the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.'
Quote by Audrey Hepburn.
At sixty three you went too soon,
But that is Heaven's great gain.
Embracing children you couldn't save,
And for that there is no blame.
You tried so hard and gave so much,
Among them now with your gentle touch.
Of earthly pain and ills now finally set free,
They now smile and laugh for you Audrey.
Enduring the abrupt adversities of childhood,
Embracing the constant challenges of womanhood.
So proud, so strong, so defiant you stood,
For only you dear Audrey possibly could.
Your life's been full, you've savoured much,
Good times, good friends, a lover's touch.
There are simply two words so well refined,
That sum you up and are beautifully defined.
Like your Givenchy little black dress,
Two suited words we lovingly express.
Eloquence and Elegance.
'Nothing is impossible,
The word itself says,
I'm possible.'
You perfect the art of gracious living,
Life's true humanitarian forever giving.
Your name today people still speak of,
An elegant woman so filled with love.
'I believe in being strong,
When everything seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls,
Are the prettiest girls.
I believe in tomorrow is another day,
And I believe in miracles.'
The way you spoke of hungry children's plight,
Such eloquence expressed with all your might.
You saved and enriched lives beyond belief,
You fed the famished and soothed their grief.
'It's that wonderful old-fashioned idea,
That others come first and you come second.
This was the whole ethic by which I was brought up.
Others matter more than you do,
So, don't fuss dear, get on with it.'
Your leading romantic robust men,
You forever enthral and enchant.
From that rugged Gregory Peck,
To that most smooth Cary Grant.
With them you've captured a classic scene,
It's pure bottled magic on the silver screen.
From a thrilling Charade till Wait Until Dark,
You're every movie bears the Audrey hall-mark.
'Why change? Everyone has their own style.
When you have found it,
You should stick to it.'
In My Fair Lady you played Eliza Doolittle so superbly,
Your magical performance left movie goers all at sea.
Then you surpassed your own fame's epiphanies,
As dizzy Holly Golightly in Breakfast At Tiffany's.
'Paris is always a good idea.'
Your poise, your charm, your beauty bounds,
You're everything that so simply astounds.
The Roman Holiday scene with The Mouth Of Truth,
An early classic displaying your fountain of youth.
'Let's face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake,
Does a lot for a lot of people.
It does for me.'
When we wake, or if we sleep,
Still the memory of you we keep.
Of that tender light that lies,
In the depths of your brown eyes.
'People, even more than things,
Have to be restored, renewed,
Revived, reclaimed and redeemed.
Never throw out anyone.'
Your elegant legacies you've left behind,
Not to sing their praises would be a crime.
Most beautiful woman of the 20th century,
And most heart-felt woman of all time.
'As you grow older,
You will discover that you have two hands.
One for helping yourself,
The other for helping others.'
You shared your love, your gifted magic art,
With enraptured millions without any restraint.
And later in life when cruel sickness beckoned,
You carried on with no whisper of complaint.
'I was born with an enormous need for affection,
And a terrible need to give it.'
So beautiful and forever unique,
A woman of style, a woman so chic.
To sum you up with just two words,
Isn't so very hard to do.
These words so seldom used together,
Two words of dignity and esteem,
Of graces that shine so true.
Eloquence and Elegance,
These words are simply you.
You're a star of priceless beauty,
You're a gem without a flaw.
You're a friend to all good people,
You live on forever more.
We love and miss you Audrey.
We always will.
'The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.'

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wow Shaun! great writing! I try so hard to promote this site, for they no not what they miss! nourishment for the soul! In our religion we are to seek out good books and" everything lovely or of good report" for me it is here that leads because of people like you! well done my fiend, that I am honored to have!...............................................Jim
Thanks Jim and I know I've been out of the loop here for a while, just needed a holiday break and how right you are about good books and good report.
And as I get older you learn there are more good people out there than bad.
And Jim you are so kind in what you say and I am proud to call you my friend.
For, from day one since arriving here,you sir have backed my corner in your uplifting and most generous comments and good people like you Jim make this beautiful blue world go round.
Thank you
Your humble and most respectful friend, Shaun.
Wonderful poem
Greg many thanks for taking the time to read it sir and for being so generous. Be reading and catching up on more of your older poems later tonight.
Thanks again my friend and wishing you well.
Wow what can I say ! I am totally blown away by both poems. They are so very meaningful in today’s world. Thank you so much for the dedication that is very kind of you.
You have such great insight and talent. It was a serendipitous bumping into you at the ‘enchanted’ Museum.
Wishing you all great things for the future.
Annette I'm a happy poetry bunny that you enjoyed both of them.
Thank you so much and It certainly looks like serendipity/fate/providence/kismet goes both ways.
You also have a most learned mastery of the English language and it was a joy to talk with your good self.
Hope to see you soon.
Thank you for your kind and uplifting words and you are right about life...
Love Conquers All.
Annette thank you for that most generous and treasured gift.
I'm sorry I wasn't there when you called in.
It was passed on to me by a good person at the museum who has a good heart.
I have already started using it I'm happy to say it is just the tonic, for as you have elegantly stated those... "inspirational moments".
I wish you well Annette and thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Merry Christmas to you and all the loved ones around you and hope to see you in person and Gracie before Christmas.
Thank you again and stay safe and warm. Shaun.x.
Now as i read this wonderful epic tribute and the earlier promotion of poetry, im trying to recall the name 'Audrey Hepburn', probably a famous poetess! Kudos!
Plz do read and comment my newest poem too
Hello Shaun, wow when you post you never fail to deliver something extra special. I loved reading both Poems. The first one I couldn't agree more. I wish the world would open up to poetry more. So many love poetry and there really is a place for it. You penned a perfect letter to voice for all poets, that want inside to be heard through the written word. Just wonderful my friend. Then you switch and slide the reader into the beautiful mind of Audrey. She is such an icon to me. I have loved her since my childhood. For her acting but also for her bravery and selflessness. I think you honoured her character, elegance and beauty just perfectly. She also had a love relationship for France, something I also share. Thank you for writing a stunning tribute what echoes not just Audrey's wonderful nature, but also shines your ever giving and graceful attentiveness that you relentlessly extend to so many people who enter your life. No matter how brief that might be for. Thanks for being you :)
Gwen x
Gwen thank you so much for enjoying both of them and also for your superb heartfelt words.
On the latter I did the best I could, for Audrey deserves nothing less a remarkable and towards the end of her life a most resilient woman.
And this dedicated poem to Annette is one I hope to meet and converse with soon. A wonderful woman who like you speaks from her heart.
Thanks again and will be reading and catching up in few days, but in the meantime I wish you well my friend. x.
Shaun wow two poems to talk about! I love the first one about poetry and naming it anonymous and how you do write ups after meeting people. its wonderful to read.
But more so I love Audrey Hepburn!! I seen so many of her films!! I seen most of them you listed! She is a real stylish icon and I just loved her 60s chic style! I loved reading her little quotes in between the verses. It's a brilliant poem on Audrey capturing her essence as an icon and screen actress and a humanitarian person. You really delivered here with two amazing write ups! Pxxx
Well these are two very different poems but both are equally well written. Your poetic ink burns ever bright in these hallowed halls of Cosmo x