Battery burnout

Feeling too burntout
Just going though a fall out
Just wanna be in bed
Don't wanna go do things
I try my best to smile
Smile for others so they don't feel like this
Would they still be friend
If I just stay inside even if I feel like shit
Being so burntout
That I just want to log out
Log out of my mind
So I can just enjoy life
Life without having a battery
A battery thats always running on empty
So empty I need to step away
from the outside world
cause this world just drains me faster than I can recharge
But when I recharge and always inside sleeping
I feel bad for not doing anything cause I know it got bad again
Especially with this fall out of my own body
Where I feel to burnout at just being at the age of thirty two even though I've been that way since I was fourteen
So now I got question
for all of my friends and family
Will you still be by my side
If I'm not always outside
Outside enjoying life especially with a low battery life
I know everyone can feel like this from a burnout
Some call it counting your spoons
Do you have the energy to shoot to the moon or just enough to get to your room
I feel bad for not helping with my part
part of the household chores
Am I lazy cause my drawers are empty from spoons
Or my battery life way past empty
That even being charged there's no spark
No spark to even start
But I really need it to
I wish I can always of it full
Just like some others
I try my best to help others
But I always get the shit stick end of it
So I hope y'all still love me
Especially during my burntouts episodes
So if you feel like are falling into a burntout
Just know there's always people
To have your back
And to help pick up the slack
So you can return with a full battery life pack
Or a full drawer of spoons to do whatever you want with them
So go take that nap, stay inside or sleep for days
Just get back on your feet
So you can get back outside with the bright sun
So get recharged
And go have some fun
Remember that it never defys who we are
And that it is what it is and that's just a burn out.

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