Beauty in addiction

 Come a little closer I’ll tell you what I know. From a girl who found recovery and her glow. It wasn’t ease and it took a while to get here. But not to long ago I was right where you were.Â
 Treatments, self harm, low self esteem and drug abuse. Emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. It’s not easy being who we are. You feel lower and lower like you’ll never be up to par.Â
  In a huge away us addicts are one in the same. We let our addictions take over and drive us insane. Whether you do drugs, gamble, or go to the bar. You’re all beautiful just the way you are.Â

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Hey BRANDI !! .......I TOTALLY love what you've done here in your intent as well as poetically...... although I think your formatting could be a little more impactful!!........a fine piece of poetic advice.........ALL STARS!!....... well done....... and........WELCOME to COSMO!!.......LOVE & ROCKETS!!.....T xo ?✴❤
Thank you so much. I’m always open to advice. I wrote these when I was at my worst and writing poetry helps me cope. Thank you for your support and feedback ❤️
I love it...