Before They Blind Us

I am here today as a conscious.
Here before the words I say can be sold as factitious. We are different far and wide. Though the thoughts we have are often close inside. We may not always speak what we feel is true.. However I am sure I feel close to the same as you. So years from now we'll have a new election. They will start to tear us up by section. This is why I want to speak. Long before they make us weak. Think about those who run. They blind our eyes like the evening sun. I'll ask five questions and you do the same. So by the time they begin we'll be ahead of the game. Clear as the day compare them all. Don't forget those that get pushed to the back wall. Forget about parties get them out of you head. Think of them as your boss instead. My first question. Did they make it because of who they know. Is that how we want our world to grow. They have to want to stand and fight for me. Not be placed there via family tree. Next is my question about character. We want more than just a good actor. Do they seem fake. Do they say things about the other candidate. I know in the past this has been just fine. Now if we want a difference we have to try the sweeter wine. Foul words taste of bitter grapes. Let's try the ones that don't act like apes. Next is the one I hate the most. The promises that they all seem to boast. In your heart and your head do you believe. Do they think we are all so nieve. I'm afraid so, and we can't stand for that. They are just liars who wear different hats. Number four is my favorite one. When they can't say yes or no they shouldn't be allowed to run. Do they spin it and choke. Does it seem like a big joke. If they can't answer without a speech. Don't assume they aren't a blood sucking leech. My final question is about me and you. How do you feel when they split us into. If I were to write this in the middle of their campaign. I'd be labeled as a fool, ridiculed as insane. So remember they will cut us into groups. The crazies, the rednecks, the rich, and all kinds. They will not consider any of us great minds. The moment an election starts up we are nothing but votes. We are below them no matter our antidote. No matter our view we are wrong. They put us where they think we belong. So let's get together and open more doors. Let's be leaders in charge of the floors.

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Just a quick thought in the early morning.