We are pegged mercilessly
To the cartography
Of this world
And our dreams
Flow like the rivers and rivulets
Sometimes shatter
And fall like grains of sand
Lonesome fate with a magic wand
Waves away all fear and sorrow
Like borderless countries
And nameless nations
And sometimes
Even other planets
And their celestial abodes
They invade
And percolate
Until those dreams Drive us crazy
And all shooting stars
And meteors
With their lambent wit
Shower and fall on places
Where dinosaurs tread
To be cooled and doused
By ice age and return
Have a rotation or re run
Like the atlas on a globe
Giving birth to revolution
Or riots of colours
On a torn out map.
I have long since achieved
The escape velocity
That dreams are made of.
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Honorable Poetess Shruti Goswami,
Good write, excellent geographical and revolutionary thoughts poured into COSMOFUNNEL viewers, Â thanks for sharing, my applause, my vote
Cartography is a complex, an ever-changing field, but at the center of it is the map-making process. Viewed in the broadest sense, this process includes everything from the gathering, evaluation, and processing of source data, through the intellectual and graphical design of the map, to the drawing and reproduction of the final document. As such, it is a unique mixture of science, art and technology and calls for a variety of in-depth knowledge and skills on the part of the cartographer. Sometimes one person directs this entire sequence of cartographic activities, but this occurs only in relatively simple cases. In the creation of a map, it is much more common for the various tasks to be split up and accomplished by several individuals.
I like the above lines, regards
Thank you so much..and yes.. Cartography involves all the three area expertise that you mentioned, which calls for an open, broad minded, liberal viewing of life ,that helps us transport into fantasy land, an escape for the fertile minded.Â
Thank you for your in depth analysis.
Your appreciation is such a moral booster Philips!! We don't find people interconnecting everything at a broad level, and we are more often than not,bogged down by petty issues that only serve to divide us.Â
Thank you tons for finding my poem inspirational, and thank you for your warm welcome to Cosmofunnel, I thank Williamsji for introducing me to this lovely site. I shall definitely write on romance or legend for this month.
Once again, my heartfelt wishes and hugs to you!