Concrete Shadows

The elaborate drapery lingers
From creative fingers
Which bend and ply
Forming concrete shadows
Against an earthly sky
We cruse
Confused in our external thinking
This lavish creation
Realism rests within artistic
This fascination expands over time
As its sublime atomic mass
Crumbles to ash
Lost to the human eye
And yet....
That tactile wonder
Was merely the aesthetic presentation
A concrete shadow of its real manifestation
For deep within the realms of thought
Vibrations are caught
They stick like pollen on the back of a bee
Eternally breathing light
Born from the mind which dared to foresee such beauty
The physical form may of laid to waste
Its concrete shadow faded
Vanished to the eyes of earth
Who feel misplaced
But within the celestial realms
Its succulent vibes
Dip and dive through time
Echoed relentlessly
Propelled by the Devine
For reality
Is not what sits in front of yours and mine

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wow what great poem
great work
Thank you my lovely poetic friend x :)
You are so welcome
Reads beautifully Gwen, the feelings ooze through the words. When we look at the vastness of the cosmos how we can ever think that reality is only what we perceive through our five tiny senses. Personally, I veer between understanding this deep in my soul to rejecting the entire concept, in fact I am.tormented by such things so your beautiful write has comforted me more than you can know...💖💖💖
It can feel hard to convince ourselves when our hearts are weighted down with such sadness 💗 I am so glad this has brought a little comfort your way lovey friend. Sending lots of love and hugs xoxox ❤️❤️❤️
Talk about STUNNING!!.......this is an amazing piece that dares to confront the idea that Marion mentions above.......perception and our 5 tiny senses (comparatively) brings to mind the famous quote by William Blake ~
~ "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear
to man as it is, infinite!"
Your final line of this write is friggin' BRILLIANT.....and the intent of the whole is marvelously conveyed here with fantastic phrasing and imagery that melts into the minds eye.....and in its own way, endeavors to 'open the eyes' of the readers themselves!!......It's really an extraordinary write dear poet sister!!.....I could go on & on!!.......ALL STARS!! & PINNED!!......most excellent my friend!!!!.......LOVE & ROCKETS!!.......T xo : )
Gosh Tony, quoting William Blake in a comment next to my poem, I am That has to be a huge compliment : ) Thank you for sharing your insight and wonderful words. I am always so grateful when you read my work and leave your thoughts behind.
The last line came to me just before I posted it. I like it too :)
Your very good friend
Gwen x :)
I doubt that I can add much more than what has already been said Gwen. I totally agree with Marion... oozing write. Such a feeling that only comes with exceptionally written poetry. Full honors to you Gwen. Fantastic wordplay
Hello Max :) it is always such a pleasure to read your words against my work. Thank you for reading this one, for always supporting me with encouraging feedback. You have helped my confidence so many times my friend
Your friend
Gwen x
Your usual wonderful creativity for all to see. Beautiful!
Many thanks John for leaving your wonderful words on my poem :)
This is just brilliant. Such imagery! Such emotion! 👏👏👏 go straight to the top of the class! This is sublime x
Thanks so very much Being Me, your words of encouragement are so helpful. Many thanks for leaving your words on this piece x
Great write.
Extremely cleaver and very beautiful in its delivery.
Thanks ever so much for checking an older poem. So glad you liked it :)
You just reminded me of one of the main reasons why I fell in love with poetry .. wish I woz ya pen Gwen :)
Wow Neville, thank you so very much. What a truly wonderful comment. Made my day 🙃 thank you for such an amazing compliment x
Tis like he once sed, twas nowt but a pleasure N🙃
This pretty much proves to me that there is more out there than many might imagine .. and I have a bloomin good imagination .. wish I was your pen Gwen :) x
Thanks Neville, for popping back for another read, so pleased you like this one:) apologies for late reply, I am home schooling x
Cor blimey ma'am, sounds like you got ya hands full .. No prob, my pleasure entirely x
Arrived late at your party Gwen but did bring a bottle of read and a bottle of white. The best of both worlds.
For the best of both worlds is what your poetry offers and lifts us from this human plane and delivers us magnificently to that spiritual one.
Your poetry just gets better and better and so clearly evident on reading this poem, your poem of imagination filled with wonder and one's heartfelt inner emotions.
Another captivating write my friend and thank you for the journey. x.
Shaun you are never ever too late my friend. I am late replying and feel dreadful to my core for not knowing these wonderful words were sat here, waiting to be discovered. I thank you with all my heart for your generous time giving and your unlimited generosity. You are a truly wonderful human. Thank you for these fabulous words regarding my poem. I worked hard on this one. Means so much to read your kind supportive comments.
Happy writing my talented poetic friend and may your life be full of joy and wonderment
Gwen x