Dear Trump Supporters...

Being a woman in a world of misunderstanding the basics of abuse
was traumatizing from the beginning.
My father would judge me for fighting for
rights he believed I have already had.
I cried the night he voted for President Trump.
How could a father of a rape victim commit a country,
where his daughter will Grow into the future,
to a man who had grabbed women by their most vulnerable aspects
because he felt like money granted him all of the power?
My father was a man of many women.
Most of whom he had not cared to learn their names
or what fueled their courage to conquer their fears.
He had never been curious in me or any other woman.
My father is a direct reflection of our Commander In Chief.
We are teaching our sons and daughters to disregard sexual assault victims.
We are causing these innocent people to hide in the darkest place of their mind
because a man with too much power allows this abuse to occur without consequences.

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