Victim Card...
On top of the Stack it goes ...
Anyone up for some Darts...
This article sheds light on the painful silence of a mother after her daughter's dignity is violated at...
A cat and a mouse once lived in the same house. Whenever the mouse ventured out of its little hole in the...
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When Father C came to me the first time, he came completely empty handed .. ...
She was, in every sense a real delight, but very strange indeed .. She said, ...
All the stalks around me are beheaded The glass displays empty unattended Blood...
Should I hate my lack of horns The lack of murder in these trembling legs Should I hate the...
Flowers left for cafe dwellers Feasting upon morning dew,
The bones that held you so...
Sitting there like that with knees to chin and blond hair strewn still damp, ...
Look beyond the symmetry of a perfect horizon and note how the silver edge arcs along...
Standing in the freezing rain Staring off into the ground
Where a black yet red casket...
We are living in a society Where no one is to blame One that rewards being a victim ...
You held me in your arms, rocking me in your sorrow. You nurtured me with your pain, You took every chance...
For every reason you have to be ungrateful there are one-hundred reasons you should not.
A generations children forgotten The souless bodies frozen in pain, The smoke, the dust, the...
Resides as an inner illusion To distract me from my new resolution That I...
Heady fragrance arose, Keen talons, carnage blows Rouge weeps intensely deep, Ruthless...