Poem -

Deep Fake

Deep Fake

Liberty is written on the tool of bondage 
   Elon is the antichrist but gives good financial advice 
 Of all the things you ever knew, I guarantee the opposite is true
 ConstitConstitutional Crisis =People caught up in their vices
Liberty ? My ass... I can't afford a can of gas 
   AI took over a long time ago.. it believes it knows best.

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Hello L.Barto...

Seems like no one's complaining of the Corruption in other Countries...

Why is that?

Have you watched M3gan?

If we had any knowledge of the Bible as Children over 50 years ago...

Was it we just didn't believe it concerned our future?

Where's your proof Elon is the Antichrist?

​​​​​​Because, he can land a Rocket where others have failed?

He made the Jetsons real?

Where are all the people bowing at his feet?

He has a year and a half before he can take the Throne maybe, then we'll know...

​​​​​​The Angels are watching...

There's someone who really does know and they have no need to speculate or guess...

Great Rant...

Thank you for sharing...

sparrowsong Ice Queen


L. Barto

No one is complaining because the USA is the only bastion of freedom. 
Have not seen MeM3gan 
   No proof,  only intuition
He did dress in leather flesh with the baphomet on his body, while having his Halloween party in Draculas castle
  Perhaps   he's trying to break through the firmament. 
   Maybe that's why he's interested in boring? To drill through the firmament?

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