Poem -

Q tip of the iceberg

In the beginning God created America Then he created Heaven and Earth
Those not invited to the wedding party,
we're told of the birth
Of a nation, part of a creation where freedom understood it's destiny
Unraveling of the eagles wings
Abundance and hardship of unreasonable proportion
Man came too, and many more came later
Blood fed the land before the thirsty torch of freedom was lit
The mantra of the rugged individual
Home as the castle and the right to defend

They were people of toil and pride
Arrogance was their beautiful child
The wolf from the door these things kept
The people of Jacob's tribes
A birthright realized
Always though there was Lucifer too
Chastised out of the poor wretched children with the staff of religion
Nothing to do with Jesus mind you
Dogma and tradition,  child sacrifice
A raw determination,  all that was eaten some nights

Sovereignty came crossing an icy river to slit our enemies throats
A gift , to celebrate the living gods birth
  Gathering of minds I can not compare to or fathom
Guidance of the pen was divine

Intervention though had already begun
Soon centralized,  capitalized, marginalized
Spiritual cannibalism of debt
With her sister Europe calling all too often
With gossip and problems passed on to the lives
Cut short
Of her youth , the stories were bold
Her fertility was the warmest of quilts
Down so fine

Easua never forgot his loss
Bitterness grew resentful fruits
Of labour pains she did continually suffer
Some men more equal than others
Soul food , served cold
The fruit beyond bitter, edged in rot
Hardship, cruelty and fortune make masters of men
But God stayed with his bride the whole time
Sometimes, seemingly hiding
Frontiers , only the best of the worst will come
   To make the worst of the best of it
With wheat comes tares, and shaff
Good seed was planted in  much more abundance than history will admit
Greatness rose from the goodness of the harvest
A nation indivisible
But , family problems do call
Loyalty is the burden brought by pride
For evil , being prideful too, refused to take a holiday
Blood, the price of land and the cost borne for freedom
No cost to great, in pejorative sense...large, or in her case, immense

Warlocks gained ground over time
The dream spells were powerful aphrodisiacs
A fertile plain, sediment seeped in
Brought the irony of more labour and less family
Few of the many gathering , hoarding ,owning and controlling
Mortgaged, and distracted from her principles
His principles
To think alike, to conform,  to be employed
   Broken,  holding her dangling limb like a child to her breast
Division bells
Return to tribalism,  fighting for space for our ideas, firehosed with information
  The virus dreamt of by Raskolnikov crept into the fading Republic
   The Thunberg Effect tested earlier was proven
Virtuous appearance outweighed empirical evidence and logic
The hate filled doctrine of Race, Class, Gender rooted in our youth
Evidence,  logic , even mathematics were deemed Whiteness
Whiteness was  deemed hate
Take a knee
Our children were taught they had no enemies
Except for tradition,  God, and family
Say their names
Racist anti fascists...the Fascists, pranced
Small business owners became the new Kulaks
Independence,  self sufficiency mocked
Muzzled populous refused to speak
California burning man
Effigy of God lit and celebrated
Not knowing the fate of Stalins reign
False idols were erected
Patriots rejected
Demons attack truth because of the exposure it brings
Divided non thinkers
Stimulus checks, crumbs of a cake
  Let them eat ice cream
Most of all make them dependent
Mother feed me , mother I will listen
Attack yourself
Reset,  beset upon you by wealth
Hypocrisy is the new truth
Are you Woke?
  First we steal the words, then we steal the meaning
Snake oil salesmen gather on the screen
Take the mark , taste the beast they smoothly preen
All will be provided,  but nothing will be free
  The land doth thirst again
   For the blood of the best men


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