Democracy Or Dictatorship

Our country has some enemies, fifty-two attacking that for which it stands;
Donald Trump, and all the Senators, that important testaments had banned!
They are a disgrace to our Founding Fathers, and the Constitution that they wrote;
Our Democracy is NOW in peril, because for Dictatorship they vote!
These Benedict Arnold's must be ousted, for they blatantly break the law;
These criminals in the highest places, no time to hem and haw!
They are leading us towards tragedy, their “Fuhrer” has their ear;
He plots to overthrow America, and all that we hold dear!
We must unite and save our country, come this November sixth;
Vote Trump out of his office, send him down the “River Styx”!
For if he gets another four years, our Democracy is doomed;
This evil monster licks his hungry lips, for a Dictatorship is loomed!
Save our dear Country
Vote Trump out in November
Or we are doomed

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Awww USA & UK have problems beyond beggars belief bloody politicians xxx
My Dear Jill,
At least your politicians aren't part of a conspiracy to end Democracy, for a Dictatorship. Pray for us on November sixth, that Trump, the traitorous bastard, gets his ass kicked in the election.
All my love,
Larry xxx
Be brave dear brother, for a great challenge lays ahead, that pussy grabber will surely lose his head.
Dear Gerard,
Fabulous comment!!!
From your mouth to God's ears!! I hope that Fate's guillotine ends his reign of terror forever.
Peace and Love,
Larry xxx