
H e showed us how to rise above the madness
when he gave up his life for us.
A ctually, he became the gold standard for the future,
of what it means when we say " In God we trust".
P aying the ultimate price for all of our sins,
while we were taunting, abusing, and denying him.
P eacefully enduring the absolute worst from the world.
knowing that when it is finished, we will all win.
Y ear after year, we observe this wonderful time.
for Jesus triumphed over death, just as it is written
E scaping the bonds that still hold mortal man.
proving God's love for us since Christ has risen.
A nother reason that we celebrate Easter,
is to show kindness and love for one another.
S haring each others joys and pains daily.
like a mother and father, or sister and brother.
T he season of Easter shouldn't be for just one day.
Jesus' example we are required to follow.
E very day, denying ourselves to the world for God,
becoming living sacrifices; Yesterday, today and tomorrow
R emember, it's not just about fancy clothes, egg hunts, or jellybeans...
let's stay focused on teaching our children on what Easter really means!

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