How Does It Feel?

To be sober, to be clean?
Well for me man, it feels great.
Drugs and alcohol i used to love daily.
Now it's habit i love to hate.
Things are much more fun now,
since i stopped using and abusing.
While under the influence, time slipped away,
i really didn't know what i was doing.
My circle of friends has changed since,
from 90% negative, to 90% positive.
Those who didn't understand, stayed away,
it's okay, more room for me to live.
I can breathe so much better,
so how about the rest of you?
Maybe it's because i'm not smoking anymore.
Or is it the after effects of not trying to use.
I think so much more clearly now.
My decision are on point, now i can manage.
An ability to see a whole different world,
is of another gift i can take advantage.
No more feeling sorry for myself,
using drugs and alcohol to mask my pain.
God is watching me all of the time now,
so i don't condemn myself to death again.
No more blaming games.
on people who are not at fault.
My actions alone i am responsible for,
all of the foolishness has come to a halt.
It feels great not to be a slave any longer,
a fool, dependent on something wasteful.
No longer wasting money or time,
for that God, i am always grateful.
So these days my mind is occupied,
with so many beautiful things now.
Yes people it can be done,
It's just a matter of when and how.
I take it one day at a time,
so i won't slip and fall.
Working with others who suffer as i do,
we are all for one and one for all....
And it feels good!

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