"For Goodness's' Sake!"

"One's reality is only relative to them,
and it is all subjective,
with the art of communication,
we try to find common themes,
but it all boils down,
to a fight against The Light and The Dark,
and we, as Humans, are in the middle of this war,
fence riders, double agents,
wondering who and what we are really for.
Sadly caught in the middle,
getting pulled by our own heartstrings to either side,
there is no place we can truly hide.
As I am trying to carve my path out on this Earth,
after my stroke a month ago,
this seems to be my 3rd Birth,
because at 23 my heart had an attack,
for I lacked spiritual conviction.
We can try to distract,
ourselves daily from what is at stake,
but the war is perpetually being waged,
against the Condemned and Divine.
Will you side with The Dark,
or will you side with what Shines?
Because denial may trick you,
into thinking you are riding that fence,
but to every single choice there is a subsequent consequence.
Think out thoroughly every choice you make,
because you are always betting it all or nothing,
so for Goodnesss' Sake,
I pray you make the right choice,
because it all is always at stake!"

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