Come one, come all – step up, friends, and see
foul freaks in submission beneath the marquee.
There’s nothing to fear, no need for permission.
Just come to the booth – one thin dime’s the admission.
Spine-tingling creatures – Mother Nature gone wrong.
Nowhere else on earth do these foul beasts belong,
All manner of monsters chill you to the bone.
Fair warning; don’t enter this tent all alone!
Monstrosities, mix-ups – foul feasts for the eyes,
the lizard man flicks his forked tongue to catch flies.
The bearded Fat Lady, whose name is Big Molly,
is really depressed, though she acts very jolly.
The geek gnaws raw meat – eats the bones, blood and all.
Lobster Boy touches you with an osseous claw.
Human Cobra – once a man of Hindu descent,
messed with the wrong shabdkosh – to the ground he was sent.
I’m the caretaker, I keep these monsters in line.
If not for me they'd pulverize your weak spine.
Come now, friends, enter – sights your eyes can't conceive.
Ten cents – much suspense – I just might let you leave.
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Hi Dean
Would love to meet jolly Molly provided she has a shave first lol
Nice piece of work - really enjoyed
That could be arranged, KIERAN.
Thanks a bunch for the read and review.
~Dean :)
Awh Dean, nothing less than I would expect, thoroughly enjoyed it!
Faith xo
I appreciate your R&R, Faith.
Thank you!
~Dean ♥☺♥
love the way describe the creatures sound like a place i would visit just as long the bearded woman dont make a move lol
Yeah, you gotta keep an eye on those gals with facial hair, Matthew.
These days you just can't be sure of their true gender.
Thanks for the R&R, my friend.
~Dean ☺
Dean this a cool poem I will tell the other day I was watching a movie on TCM
from 1935 I think and it was about the freak show side show sure was INTERESTING!!!!
I watched The Elephant Man, starring John Hurt as Mr. John Merrick, and Anthony Hopkins, Greg.
That's what inspired me to write this.
Thanks, as always, for your comments and support.
~Dean ☼ ..ˆˆ
I have seen that movie to and when I went London I went to whitechapal and went by and in the Royal London hospital where the elephant man lived I also walked all around the hospital imagining where his room was and what it was like back in the day what fun day it was
That sounds fantastic, Greg!
When I travel to London next year that's the sort of things I wanna do.
I want to walk where Jack the Ripper once walked and did his...uhhh...thing.
I want to see the underground catacombs I heard were there.
We'll see.
Thanks again. :)
Dean you will love London I do one thing when you do the Jack the Ripper tour take the guided tour much better then doing it alone I did it alone and wasn't sure I was on the right street also I did 1 poems about it on DEC 2 2016 called whitechapel England and you can go read if you want
I'll do that, Greg, I heard the guided tour was outstanding.
I'll also read the poem about Ol' Jack as soon as possible.
Thanks again...
~Dean :)
An intriguing tale that takes us back to the mind-set of the day.
A great write.
Thank you, John.
We can be thankful that some things have changed over the years.
Happy Father's Day.
Enjoy your weekend.
You know all I needed to see what that title and I clicked to read! I love it. Made me think of AHS Freak Show. One of my favorite seasons. I'm at home with the freaks I guess :)
Beautiful work as always Dean!
Thanks so much again for reading, Twilla.
AHS on FX is one of my favorite shows.
Freak Show is the only season I own on blu-ray disc. The plot was so delectably dark and twisted, heh-heh. Twisty the Clown was definitely creepy.
I'll be getting Asylum next. The next season titled "CULT" looks excellent too.
Anyhow, I'm really glad you liked the poem.
~Dean <3 :)
I used to have a Twistys Werlings shirt. I don't know where it went, but I do still have one that says "Lived in the Murder House, escaped the asylum, protected the coven, attended the Freak Show, checked into the Hotel"
I'm enjoying this.. as always
thanks for sharing
Thanks so much, Leah.
I sincerely appreciate it.
~Dean ♥☼♥
Fantastic Dean - I love your poetic verse Gail
Thanks, Gail.
Horror Hugs!
~Dean ♥♫♪♥
Spine tingling indeed. Don't tell me there is really such a place with such half human half monster forms! Human's go to long lengths to entertain and earn so I oughtn't be too surprised. But u rendered it in fantastic entertaining way such that I should visit to have a look see but only if I'm assured they don't bite lol. Kudos for this clever poem on the bizarre.
soo nice to read from your pen again, Pleez do add your thoughts to my newest poem too, titled, "jumbo jets vs..jays". I like to know different conclusions.
I'll do my best to get to your poem and offer my thoughts, S.zaynab.kamoonpury.
Thanks for the read and review.
Best wishes,
~Dean ♥♫♪♫♥
I miss your posts, Dean ?