From Yoga to Moksha
Discover the path.... that will take you to your Destination

Are you in search of Happiness?
Do you want that state of Eternal Bliss? Then, begin the Journey from Yoga to Moksha
And you are sure to achieve this!
Who am I and why am I here?
Have you pondered this, are you clear?
We just live and cry and die
We don't discover the Truth, we don't live with cheer!
We listen to many, the right path we don't choose
And the valuable Journey of Life, we lose!
We wander through Life and soon we are gone
And then, we blink and we are reborn!
Is it not certain that there will be death?
Every living creature will lose their breath
But we don't discover what brought us to earth
Why did we take this human birth?
We just live through Life and face trauma
We don't realize that it is just a big drama
We don't know what is Yoga and Moksha
And don't discover that everything is Karma
It all begins when we start a Quest
When we put all our beliefs to test
When we become free from this material world or Bhoga
And learn to live as a Yogi, in Yoga
Then, we are not perturbed by this earthly show
We live as an observer, watching people come and go
This world is nothing but Maya, an Illusion
We discover the Truth, attain Realization
After we are born, we all learn and earn But then, ultimately, we burn and return Those who live a life in Yoga
Attain Moksha as they turn and yearn
We live in this world with desires and greed
We don't learn to be Happy as we fulfil our need
Our passion makes us seek everything as 'mine'
And ultimately, we lose the treasure Divine!
The fact is that we are nothing but Divine energy
We are not this body, or Mind and Ego, ME
But because we don't embark on this journey
We live like slaves, we are not free!
The biggest enemy is our mind!
It is the one that makes us blind!
And although when we search, the mind we can't find
It causes ignorance and makes us leave the truth behind
We must learn to decipher what is wrong and right
Activate the Intellect and see, black and white
We must flip over from Mind to Consciousness!
Then, we will be free from all misery and stress!
Our ultimate destination is Ananda, Eternal Bliss
It is living in truth Consciousness
It is living like a Yogi and seeking Nirvana or Moksha
It is moving from one state to another, of Yoga
Can everybody attain this Divine Realization?
Can everybody attain Moksha or Liberation? Only those who start a Journey of Purification
Will be Enlightened with Divine Illumination
Because we are lost in this material world or Bhoga
We don't live in Divine Union, in Yoga!
We experience pleasure and pain on earth
And then to suffer, take another rebirth!
The truth is there is no heaven and hell These are fairy tales that scriptures tell Heaven and hell are right here on earth We experience them, as we take birth!
The only way to attain God is Realization
Going from Self to God-Realization
Then, we will attain Moksha or Salvation
So, let's start with Yoga and reach our destination!

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