I saw the pain that you tried to hide
That tore at your soul deep inside
I saw the hurt, somewhere in your eyes
Behind a brave smile, I realize
And I just want to hold your pain
Tell you, it's not for nothing. not in vain
But you're still standing
Being amazing, dancing
Telling the world who you are
Being so resilient, a radiant star
You stood up. and you rose higher
Yes, starting the world on fire
A flame that refused to go out
It's what your story is all about
The world saw the flames growing higher
A strong message sent to inspire
I tried to soothe and bear your pain
But you stopped me and said, It's all for gain
You found strength and forgiveness in your heart
And said, you won't let it tear you completely apart
There will be dark, painful nights
How else will the stars shine their light

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Thank you for your comment!
I love what you said about hope!