Is a Hug Enough

He’s 11, a tough age for any kid
But he is more than 11
He’s a five year old who was beaten
He’s a seven year old who was broken
He’s a nine year old who finally found a home of love and safety
Having scars is tough for any kid
Scars are more ugly when the physical marks are a constant reminders of harm from those who were to protect
Scars of the heart are uglier when they were inflicted with intention and brutality
Scars of the soul create the ugliest effects for an angel whose wings have been singed
Scars for someone so young are hard to understand and even harder to accept as something of beauty
Being of a sensitive and generous heart is tough for any kid, especially a boy
He would give a stranger his shoes
He hurts when his family hurts
His heart measures 5 on the Fujita scale
His tremendous feelings made him an even more delicious target, but gave him strength he does not yet know he has
Being the middle child is tough for any kid
His younger sister is a beauty and a charmer
His older brother captures attention with his imaginary lasso of manipulation
He has been the eldest and the youngest at times
When families changed but now he is forever and safe in the middle
Being smart is tough for any kid
When you are the most brilliant crayon in a box of grey
When you are shown a mirror and told that the intelligence you see is a dream and not possible for you even though you know that’s a lie
When each time you open your mouth the powers that be try to make you close it, but you are a fighter and keep talking and keep getting smacked down
When being smart is considered a bad thing, and you are smart, you think you are a bad thing
Being strong as a horse is tough for any kid
Only the strong survive, unless intimidated by a younger, stronger, smarter one like him
For a natural fighter, he fought back, using the strength God gave him, igniting a hotter and hotter fire that burned him
He brought on a blood thirsty wrath that a weaker version would not have brought
If survival is measured by quality of life, he has the chance now to experience survival of the fittest
Being ADHD is tough for any kid
The energy of the sun contained in one small boy
The curiosity stolen from George, silly monkey didn’t need it anyway
The imagination of Dr. Seuss, Walt Disney and Crayola
Mixed with the attention span of a gnat, put a huge bulls-eye on his back and pushed the buttons of demonic robots and led to much pain
He’s 11, a tough age for any kid
When you have a precious one who is all of this
You try everything to support and guide and mold and heal and discipline
Finally, for this precocious and special son, you try hug therapy
As crazy as it sounds, as unusual as it appears, hugs. Yep, hugs for him heal and give hope, so hugs it is
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hugs indeed! so many kids go without love and compassion. but when the receive it, they often flourish.