There was a Video where Kamala was talking about President Jimmy Carter Voted early and the image of him was in the bed exactly like this and she was laughing hysterically...
It was quite cruel and bazaar I thought at first...
Then Trump and the BS had me laughing too...
It's really hard to be a Voter and listening to all the Rhetoric and all the name calling...
Calling him Hitler...
She and Tim Walz has the pose down pat...
They sure know a lot about Hitler...
There's people spreading the word to listen to the clips for 30 more seconds and they will hear the truth...
The Media loves to play the Edit and
Cut The Feed Game...
Then there's Videos of them all together in very odd places looking mighty close if you know what I mean?
You know it's just all for Tax Payers money to go out the Window for their power...
Someone spilled some Tea that I think got spilled just a little too early...
Neither are actually better than the other...
The only difference is their End Game...
When someone shows you you can't have a Gas Stove you better believe they're showing you just the beginning...
The same wants Government to set the prices...
When does that work?
We are left to Choose Life or Death?
I bet when everyone is forced to drive an EV...
Would you still be surprised to see Private Jets in the Sky?
Same with Yachts?
An Electric Yacht in Salt Water...
I'm sure that'll work out great...
When it's in the middle of the Ocean on Fire if it makes it out that far...
😄😄 sorry but that video had me first terrified and then intrigued and by the time trump said bullshit I was pissing myself!!
thankyou 😄😁 x
Hello M...
It was actually quite sad...
There was a Video where Kamala was talking about President Jimmy Carter Voted early and the image of him was in the bed exactly like this and she was laughing hysterically...
It was quite cruel and bazaar I thought at first...
Then Trump and the BS had me laughing too...
It's really hard to be a Voter and listening to all the Rhetoric and all the name calling...
Calling him Hitler...
She and Tim Walz has the pose down pat...
They sure know a lot about Hitler...
There's people spreading the word to listen to the clips for 30 more seconds and they will hear the truth...
The Media loves to play the Edit and
Cut The Feed Game...
Then there's Videos of them all together in very odd places looking mighty close if you know what I mean?
You know it's just all for Tax Payers money to go out the Window for their power...
Someone spilled some Tea that I think got spilled just a little too early...
Neither are actually better than the other...
The only difference is their End Game...
When someone shows you you can't have a Gas Stove you better believe they're showing you just the beginning...
The same wants Government to set the prices...
When does that work?
We are left to Choose Life or Death?
I bet when everyone is forced to drive an EV...
Would you still be surprised to see Private Jets in the Sky?
Same with Yachts?
An Electric Yacht in Salt Water...
I'm sure that'll work out great...
When it's in the middle of the Ocean on Fire if it makes it out that far...
Thank you for your comment and support...
S x