Intestinal Fear

Form in motion
Vibration and frequency
Confusion and false comprehension
Knowledge is supposed to be a good thing
It was supposed to lift us out of the jungle
Civilize the savage
Confound the wicked and lost
I hate to be a negative Nancy
But I do not think it is working out as planned
At times I get a sliver of intestinal fear
Not cerebral anxiety but deep down gut
folding terror..
That the universe is in free fall
That it is anyone's game
That the good are hanging in there
But the dark and loveless are right on our heels.
With their teeth snapping shut inches away from
out butts
If this is true then maybe we shouldnt be so
yawn, bored about our communities and ourselves'
Maybe we should not take our outcome for granted but
actively work towards what we desire for an end result
Sitting on our patucas is not going to build a better
mousetrap....or life circumstances....

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