It May Not Have Been Apples

The fruit that Adam and Eve ate may not have been apples, it could've been oranges, bananas, peaches or pears.
Many people assume that it was apples but none of us know because we weren't there.
Adam and Eve were stupid, they chose to obey a serpent instead of The Lord.
Their punishment was banishment and losing eternal life, they lost their reward.
But whatever fruit it was, when Adam and Eve ate it, it became the world's first sin.
Adam and Eve's stupidity caused all of us to pay the price, it causes our lives to end.

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Hello Randy...
I'm thinking the fruit would have had to be way better...
Probably no one knows exactly for the fact...
That it was the only tree...
If everyone carefully read the Book of Genesis And The Book of Revelations...
Of course, taking it piece by piece...
How many minds would be changed?
However, with the many translations...
We have over I don't even know anymore how many different translations we in the U.S.A. alone...
We mustn't be ignorant ourselves not knowing the True Holy Bible...
We are of bright minds...
We don't need a sugar coated bible, but what we may not completely understand, there are bible study helps such as the concordance as an example...
Children's Bibles we must compare, so as not be led astray...
Alot of parents aren't allowed to know what the children are bring taught...
We just know clearly what they're not...
Great write!
Thank you for sharing...