
I need you all to picture this,
in the garden, something went amiss.
By His friend He was betrayed,
His timely death was not delayed.
On the cross, the nails pierced His skin,
this was not because of His sin.
They placed a sign over His head,
'King of the Jews' was what it read.
From noon till three, darkness fell over the land,
the blood dripping to the ground from His hand.
"Why forsake me?" He cried out,
His mind cleared of all doubt.
He knew this was all for you and me,
His death meant we would be set free.
He took His last breath, giving up His spirit,
the last words at death, no one could hear it.
This was because of all the mocking and yelling,
people, listen to this true story I am telling!
The curtain in the temple was torn,
the day victory over death was born.
The ground began to tremble and shake,
the dead in tombs started to wake.
Some people knew then He was no fraud,
the centurion said, "Surely He was the Son of God."
Wrapping Him in linen cloth, they put Him in a tomb,
rolling in front a rock, blocking entry to the room.
It was on the third day,
they noticed the rock rolled away.
The angel said, "There is nothing to fear,
the body you look for is not here.
Really though, I wouldn't bother,
He is at the right hand of His Father."
We are told to go and spread this story,
only to give God all of the glory.
I am talking about my brother Jesus,
it was His sacrifice that freed us.
I know this story sounds wild,
but now, I am God's child!
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This is a really good write about the cross and what it mean's thank you for sharing it.
Thank you!
you're welcome
you wrote a really good one man !, 2 thumbs up
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Thank you so much.