Poem -

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

Trump has hired a new Attorney, Rudy Giuliani is his name;
When it comes to fact or fiction, their tongues waggle just the same!
They lie to the reporters, tell them whatever they need to hear;
To cover up Trump’s Treason, and the incarceration that he fears!
They both know that he’s guilty, of crimes against our U.S.A.;
His collusion with Comrade Putin, who seeks to destroy the American way!
Now comes our John O. Brennan, to make known Trumps awful crimes;
He accuses him of Treason, which would mean his prison time!
Meanwhile, this idiot Giuliani, his lying lips flapping every day;
While his client twitters bullshit, they try to make this go away!
But soon, “The Ides” are coming, the truth is “Marching” in;
To stamp out prevarications, and Democracy will win!
                         The truth is coming
                     To save our Democracy
                     From the Traitor Trump


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Great poem Larry, I'm not a fan of Trump or Theresa May.

- Syd xxx 

Larry Ran

My Dear Syd,

Do you get The Bill Maher Show on HBO Friday nights?  We taped it, and watched it yesterday afternoon.  His first guest was John Brennan, and my words in the poem, were exactly the kind of tough talk he had for Trump.  Plus, his next three guests on the panel, all felt the same way too; "Impeach this Traitor, and try him for Treason".

Peace and Love,
Larry xxx


Hi Larry, apologies for the late reply. No we don't have that show over here but it would be interesting to watch.

Peace and love  - Syd xxx

Terry Kay

Larry, I love it..speak the truth brother!

Larry Ran

Dear Terry,

"Larry, I love it..speak the truth brother!"
Something Trump has never done.

Larry xxx


Terry Kay

Larry. You are do witty...????love all your replies...

Nigel Cresswell...

Hi Larry,
From this side of the pond our vision of your wonderful country is slightly skewed by our constant imports of American TV. Mostly cop shows. You know that bit when the suspect says "I want my lawyer" and you instantly know they are done, guilty as sin.....
Perhaps also, the U.S. might of annoyed China and they have cursed you. You live in interesting times.
Keep your head up and keep fighting my friend,

Larry Ran

Dear Nigel,

It was suggested Friday night, by a great hater of Trump, Bill Maher, that perhaps the Democrats, since the Republicans have aligned themselves with Russia, should become best buddies with China.  Wouldn't that be a hoot?
I will keep my head up, and fight until Traitor Trump is impeached and imprisoned.
Thank you for your wonderful comment.

Peace and Love,
Larry xxx


Unfortunately Larry you seem to be blinded to your party.  I am not a big Trump fan but The Liberals are so far worse.  John Brennan is a disgrace.  The left wanted to boot him until he went after Trump.  How your memory forgets.
So lets look at the left the Kennedys all were corrupt along side their bootlegger dad.  LBJ pure corruption who destroyed our welfare system. 
The Clintons absolute corruption with China, Saudia Arabia, Russia and the Uraninum deal, John Edwards and his corruption, Al Gore with improper campaign funds with Indonesia and china.  Need I go on and on.  Jesus Trump has issues but he is not a traitor like the Socialist Left 
By the way you can trash the right and I won't mind as I am a Libertarian.  Both parties suck.  I just think the left is a bunch hypocrites who have done more damage to the minorities and economic disadvantage than any party ever.  They believe in just giving the fish away rather than teaching how to fish.  

Larry Ran

Dear Greg,

I listened to John Brennan Friday night on The Bill Maher Show, and, "au contraire", I believe he is a true American Hero, who has the balls to condemn Trump, as a Treasonous Traitor, who is in collusion with his best buddy Putin, to end our Democratic way of life.
In this most important election since 1864, unfortunately, a vote for the Libertarian Party, is like a vote for Trump.  If we don't get control of the House, we are doomed.
If that happens, better start learning Russian.

Peace, Love, and Impeachment,
Larry xxx


A couple of facts not opinion.  We do know that as of today there is absolutely no evidence of Russian Collusion.  Yet we also know this which even the many leaders of the DNC has admitted
1.  Hilary Clinton rigged the Democrat Primary.  Yet you seem okay with this
2. The Hilary campaign funded the Dossier with a British Spy to create false info concerning a Russian Collusion and got the FBI to get warrants on wire tapping based on misleading information.  This is fact.  But you are okay with this.
3.  Top leaders such as Comey obstructed justice during the Obama era

Though Trump has a lot of issues, the corruption is far greater on the left.  This is just pure fact.  
John Brennan is an absolute disgrace.  He should have his clearance revoked as he is making public statement to cause division within our country.

I never understood why directors are named outside these agencies.  I believe this should be a promotion not a political appointment

Also both the Left and Right use that card about Libertarians.  That when a Libertarian votes Libertarian then it is helping the opposing sides.  Well the Socialist left will never get my vote.  Why should I vote for a party that believes
they should take from me for the greater good for society?  That my individual rights and hard work does not matter?
Screw big government.  Welfare should be handled by charities and we should not be using our Military to be the World Police.  If your gay and want to be married, cool that is your business.  If you are a woman then you should have the right for pro choice.  If you are a law abiding citizen and want to own a gun.  Then great you should have that choice.
Furthermore property tax is to me one of the most government controlling taxes there is.  If you don't pay them they take your property, which really means you are just leasing your property from the government, as it is not pure ownership.  
We need a third party to take a more significant role.  Both sides suck.  

Larry Ran

Dear Greg,

Of course you make some very valid points, i.e., about our Welfare System, not using our Military to be the World Police, same sex marriages, gun ownership, and the Government controlling the property which you own.  I totally agree with you.
But I cannot believe that a man of your vast intelligence, does not acknowledge the so apparent Collusion between Trump and Russia, something that will destroy our Democracy if not stopped this November,  at the election polls.
I agree that many members of each party suck, but for now, the Democrats are the only ones who can stop Putin.
Believe it or not, given a different set of circumstances, I too would vote for the Libertarian Party, if I liked their candidate.

Peace and Love,
Larry xxx


Democrats are the biggest threat to democracy.  They want to re distribute the wealth which was in Obama's own words ( words he took from MAO).   Check out this article Larry


Hello Greg...

What do we need a President for?

If we get bombed...

The President makes a speech...

​​​​​The Military and their training they know what to do...

I don't think they should have to  be told to go fight...

While the President watches and  the men have to go and break the news to the families and there's another speech...

Goes all over the place to make peace and we get an enemy...

Every trip, Holiday and their personal maintenance and entertaining we get to hear about how many millions of dollars that cost yet, roads and bridges are a wreck...

People are starving, freezing in the winter, homeless or in jail because they have nowhere to go...

Let's not forget about all the lies and corruption amongst our Police Departments...

Why shouldn't there be corruption in other areas, why just let it be left to the Police and the prison and court system, judges there's lots and lots of lists my friend?

You're not angry at that...

Just wondering...

Great write!

Thank you for sharing...




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