Poem -

Life is not

Alternate: About you

Life is not

Pixie dust and all that sparkles.
Disillusions the truth – the one that startles.
Most. When they think too much.

Drinks and drugs and all that blurs.
Fails to acknowledge, the one that stirs.
Many. As they try to fall asleep.

Because obviously.

Life is not a numbers game.
We hope, we plead, we beg for fame.
But fortune never comes.

Life is not a rainbow bridge.
No unicorns or fairy tales to tell our kids.
But their morals can be learnt.

So do observe.

Life is like a storm at sea.
Uncontrollable, inevitable, and unforeseen.
You can batten down.
Or dare to drown.
So, choose carefully.

The cliffs and the caves, the ridges, beaches, and bays.
Will all remain when we disappear.
These feelings of hate, distrust, disdain.
Are a frivolous feeding frenzy of fear.

So, breath in, breath out.
Life is not all about you.

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linda lank

very creative with your words excellent poem Linda

The fish of the sea

XD thanks, Linda! It feels so reassuring that you say so... I lost my confidence in writing for a bit. So every word counts~

linda lank

keep writing your good at it Linda we all go through it 


Hi Max, so wonderful to see you my friend. I hope all is well for you. This is a clear cut reality check read I find. I particularly enjoyed the following stanzas 

Life is like a storm at sea.
Uncontrollable, inevitable, and unforeseen.
You can batten down.
Or dare to drown.
So, choose carefully

Wonderful imagery and so rhythmic. Reads beautifully out loud. But also what a great message within these lines and imagery, for life can truly be unpredictable and choppy. How we choose to tackle those moments are crucial. Brilliant 👏 

The cliffs and the caves, the ridges, beaches, and bays.

"Will all remain when we disappear "
fabulous line Max. For it shouldn't make sense to remain when we disappear. But of course it does make sense. I just love this line! It delves deeply into the essence of who we really are. Which is not just flesh and bone.

These feelings of hate, distrust, disdain.
Are a frivolous feeding frenzy of fear.

again rhyming sublimely here with dissapear

So, breath in, breath out.
Life is not all about you
These last two lines are clear cut to the point. Brining the reader down to earth and almost grounding them. There is a bigger picture which outstretches yourself. Wonderful poem, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🙂👏

Gwen x

The fish of the sea

Gwen, somehow you brought me to tears thank you ever so much. To be honest, as I said, I'm not going great with my confidence recently but truely your words mean a hell of a lot. I feel like I'll be going day by day, commenting and responding when I can so I dont feel overwhelmed. I probably can't repay your generosity, but every word helped~ Been a bit stressed with my exams but I have one more to get through now. I sincerely hope you have been well~ I hope to catch up soon. Your friend, Max~


Wow Max...somebody has done a lot of thinking and come to the only conclusion that there is. We have very little control over anything...even our own emotions. I used to believe we could choose how to.respond and we can when we are fit and well but that is about actions only  because personally I now believe emotions are not born in any brain. We must keep fighting them constantly, sometimes we win, often we lose. Love the wisdom In this write my friend, it really is outstanding work and with a mind like this I'm pretty sure you will pass your exams with flying colours love...and you know what ...it's not the end if the world if you dont, just means there is a different path for you ...hugs and good luck 💕

The fish of the sea

Hi Marion, thank you for the kind comment my friend~ But I really enjoyed your thought-provoking words, thoughts are fought, decisions are doubted and feelings are questioned. I know they say that some things are black and white. But really the world has always, and will always be grey. And we are just wading through the colourless, trying to find our way. But thank you once again, really to this day I`d have no clue where I would be without your words~

Tony Taylor

Wow MAX!!....this is incredibly insightful......and moving......and scary......and amazingly well considered......beautifully constructed......and downright frightening when you truly consider the implications.......It winds up giving me such a wonderful feeling of hope and faith in humanity....becomes ultimately it comes down to one truth for me personally......we are ALL made up of ENERGY......and energy is the ONLY immortal thing in this reality.....it cannot be created or destroyed...it simply changes form......and this wonderful poem of yours reminded me of just what an amazing gift this life truly is.....PINNED!!.......you are a wonderful poet my friend!!....Thank You!!......LOVE & ROCKETS!!......T xo  : _)

The fish of the sea

Hey Tony, mate you always make me chuckle, how have you been recently? I don`t really think that life is pointless or that human life is frivolous. It can be as frivolous or fulfilling as we want it to be. I agree we are all made up of energy, and it's a finite amount, how we chose to use it, what we decide, really can make the difference. I guess we can only use it the best way we see fit!! Thanks so much again my kind friend, best wishes to you~

Shaun Cronick

Max another deep reflective one and certainly one to ponder.
Ponder is this all I am at that certain juncture and all perhaps I'll ever be.
I use the word perhaps because things change, for the better or the polar opposite.
Could harp on life is what you make it for one and others around you, coming to a crossroads and that left or right choice.
So I'll just say it's one soul/id even ego, that really calls the shots and fate with good timing to improve one's awareness of life and exterior influences that can shape it, nurture it, or cast an ill will.
Just got to accept it and hopefully go with the flow not the flood.
Great write and a real barnstormer to mull over.
Hope all is well with you Max and your studies aren't too demanding with your time.
See and read you soon on the friendly flipside and respectful side of life.
The good side.
Your friend,


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