Little Girl (A poem for little me)

Hello little girl in your own little world
Tell me who I am
Am I as precious as when my life first began..?
I speak to my past self sometimes
And tell her everything's going to be ok
I tell her she's going to be loved by someone someday
I tell her the days of being misunderstood
Might not fully go away as you thought it should
That people will use you who are up to no good
But that your heart glows and your kindness shows
Just like you always knew that they would
I tell her just enough
To not ruin the story of us
I tell her it'll get brutal
But also glorious
I tell her not to be so hard on herself
That she's not ugly or stupid or all alone
I sing her lullabies
About how she'll get by
And discover truth on her own
I tell her she's strong
Because she doesn't hear it much
I let her know that she's
Worth more than she'll ever know
I whisper to her that she's enough
Because the whole world doesn't need to hear
It'll only get jealous and whisper things in her other ear
She'll have the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other
No not an angel persay... just someone who gives a crap about her
Because people are mean and sometimes it's not their fault they can't see
But it's unfair and like a hot knife it cuts deep
When they've blinded themselves and can't see
The gem that is you and the gem that is me
And they laugh at our innocence
They laugh at how we put together things a little slow
Not because we're stupid
We just make sure the pieces make sense before we're confident enough to say we know
Not all people are bad tho dear past self
There are souls that will feed into you and make a home
They'll hold your hand and make you feel whole
Life isn't all scary I need to make sure that thought can stick
You need to accept the gems with rocks who just don't get it
I speak to my younger self when I'm completely alone
When the doors are locked and no ones home
I look in my eyes and send a message through time
Of a soul who's younger than me now but is still mine
And I tell her a secret
About how when life as gotten rough
We've always surprised ourselves
By always staying soft
And I tell her all the things that I needed to hear from someone else
It's just funny that the love I've craved the most is love for myself
I've been too hard on myself the present self or the one from the past
I replay things in my head
of awkward things that I've said
Things that don't deserve to last
I let my anxiety get the better of me
And younger me you don't even know what that is -
It's a silent enemy that you have to battle constantly
But if you never stop fighting it never wins
Own little girl in your own little world
Let me tell you who you are
You are amazing
Lovable; bright; a star
You care more than is conceivable
Your softness is quite unbelievable
You see deeper than the sea
Your beautiful
And wonderful
And I wouldn't dare want to be anyone else but me.
So although I wrote this to be rather personal
I'm writing it as a testimonial
And to every little girl
Feeling lost and confused
Reread this entire poem please
Put "I's" in place of all the "past me's"
Because it's also written just for you.
You are beyond anything you could ever dream
Don't lose sight of your preciousness
Because of girls who are mean
Your beauty is a sight to behold
And that's reason enough to be seen.
I see you little girl and you are my definition of beautiful.
And maybe one day you'll talk to your past self like I do from time to time
And maybe this poem will come to mind
And maybe just maybe you'll remember this line
"Own little girl in your own little world tell me who I am... I AM as priceless now as when my life first began."
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