Minimum Wage High-Roller
I am not the 1% and I'll never be like them
For if I became rich, I would again be poor-
Because I know the struggle, I've been there before.
Working full-time I barely scrape by-
a single white male and a nice guy
statistically superior but not in this day and age
It doesn’t matter my background I'm making minimum wage
To fill the 1%'s pockets... I represent their brand!
Its my work and customer service that puts profit in there hand.
The collective labor of many...
feeds the tables of a few- finances there trips-
to the Bahamas, China, and Peru.
$100,000 a year you say Senator?
Not enough?
Oh okay; well that is more then I get in FIVE YEARS
Making minimum wage
Thats 1,920 hours a year I work-
no paid vacation or sick call,
working hard (or I'd be replaced and have no job at all)
I support myself on this, barely $15,000...
supplemented by Cup-O-Noodle Stamps I'm breaking seventeen grand
and some in Congress complain to give even that helping hand!
When I say scraping by... do you know what I mean?
I often feel hunger, my cupboards are clean
every third bill gets payed,
the savings.. there is none-
rotating random shifts,
you can imagine the vacation fund.
But I’m not alone I’m the average Sam, Dick, and Sally
making this bread and prepping your salad
I'll be here all day- making the least I'm worth to The Man,
So I can go home (to my roommates) via bus,
and FEAST on noodles and spam
So do me a favor, and raise minimum wage-
so one day I can eat TV Dinners and maybe even save.
You can help support the upkeep of via PayPal.