Moscow Subterfuge

Putin talked to Trump this week, and said he had a plan;
I need you to do a favor for me, and bomb Syria as fast as you can!
Then I’ll pretend that I am mad at you, which will throw the bloodhounds off;
I’ll claim you are my enemy, and your actions loudly scoff!
“Trump the Puppet” did as he was told, the missiles then were fired;
He said “Wow America, that was really neat, aren’t you glad that me you hired”!
No we’re not you egomaniac, smarter minds shall e’er prevail;
And when they prove with Putin you’re in cahoots, you’re going to hit the trail!
So good try with the subterfuge, but we see right through your piss poor ploy;
It’s like when a parent knows their child’s been bad, you mixed up little boy!
We’d like you to stay in the old White House, just not in Washington, DC;
But the one you love near chic Palm Beach, in Florida by the sea!
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I loved this one my Larry, I just hope to God someone sees sense and gets rid of that idiot before he starts world war three!
God bless
Love youu both
G xx
Hi Dear G,
It won't take much for what you want to happen, because he is in the act of getting rid of himself. What he did without Congressional approval, was illegal, and we're hoping for repercussions. Â Meanwhile, every Friday he parks his dumb ass down in Palm Beach, costing the taxpayers $30,000,000 every time he goes.
Love from both of us,
Linda and Larry xxx
Hello Larry...
Does anyone really care about all those innocent people that have been killed?Â
If noone does anything do you think it wouldn't happen to you?
Do you think that the terrorists should become stronger and noone does anything?Â
That wouldn't start WWIII?
I don't see anyone else doing anything...
You think it's okay that our children,men,and women have been ruthlessly killed?
The attacks in France was okay too?
I don't get it...
I don't think I want to...
Hugs, Peace and LoveÂ
My Dear Sweet Sparrowsong,
I think you are missing my point. Â I am not saying it was completely wrong, but that Trump did it for all the wrong reasons. Â Had it been one year earlier, and Obama would have bombed Syria, Trump would have gone "ballistic", and cited him for trying to start WWIII. Â Also, what Trump did was illegal, doing it on his own without seeking the approval of Congress. Â You are a sweet innocent bird, who is being blinded by the Fox News Media. Â This is an act carefully thought out by Putin, to make it look like Trump betrayed him. Â Trust me, dear Sparrowsong, this monster needs to be impeached and tried for treason.
Hugs, Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
I didn't get it sparrowsong It sound like you don't care what just happen very sad that you don't care you sound like lot people I know and I cant talk tham any more what is the matter with you where do you get off saying you don't care what happen un real
Did this stuff not happen when Obama was president?Â
Did Obama not say they got rid of their chemical weapons in a speech and noone even checked it?
Was everything peaches and cream the last 8 years?
Maybe, I am just a crazy bird...
Gee Congress what do you think should we do something?
We'll wait and see what they do next...
Now Congress?
No, we'll just say we will but, we won't...
Dear Sweet Sparrowsong,
You are definitely in the bubble and don't realize what's happening in this country. Â Did you read a word of what I wrote you? Â This country was built as a Democracy with checks and balances. Â The President is not allowed to attack any country unless Congress approves it, and we have been attacked by them! Â During Obama's time in office, he did follow those rules. Â He did everything he could to avoid what could possibly get us into another war. Â Why don't you check what this imbecile President Trump, said a few years ago about attacking Syria. Â You need to get your facts straight, because you are not aware of the possible horrible repercussions, this dangerous demagogue poses to our country.
Peace and Love,
why do you keep put things like this up and getting some people mad like Sparowsong I don't get it I here it all the time down town I think it sad that Sparowsong dosent care that is sad
I don't give a f**k who I get mad. Â I'll fight for my country's safety until my last breath. Â For someone who hears it downtown a lot, you sure sit there every day and ingest it. Â The United States is in danger from the worst President in history, and I will do everything in my meager power to convince Americans that this imbecile needs to be impeached and removed from office. Â After that, we can start talking TREASON.
Larry I apologize I got big mouth some time and say the wrong thing so sorry
Hello Greg...
I don't care?
What gives you the adacity to say I don't care?
We have been attacked if you have forgotten...
What have you done?Â
How dare you say I don't care?
We should just sit idoly by and wait for some more?
That's a good way to do it huh?
Sparrowsong I apologize I some times say thing I shouldn't and know I am wrong after so please except my apology Â
I agree Dblankportrait...
They should be predident...
Why aren't they?
Hi Sparrowsong,
I just saw your note to Merrill. Â It amazes me that any woman in America could stand up for this ogre, who is on tape boasting about grabbing a woman's private parts, has no respect for her gender, and is one of worst sexists in the world. Â It further amazes me that a lovely poet such as yourself, who writes about the beauties of earth, could stand up for a man, who does not believe in global warming, who, in fact, just signed an Executive order last week practically stripping all the funds being used for environmental protection. Â Furthermore, a man who appointed Scott Pruitt to head the EPA, a true adversary of environmental protection, and is known to be in bed with the heads of several big oil companies, and totally supports fracking. Â Believe me, if I was President, I could do ten times better than this self serving S.O.B. Â I am not saying that you don't love your country. Â I just think you might be misinformed. Â As for the bombing in Syria, it could be the only smart thing he's done as President. Â I just question his surreptitious motives, ie. his ties to Moscow.
Hugs, Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Hello Larry...
I am not standing up for him, but how far does it have to go and how bad does it have to get?
I don't want to be blown to pieces or poisoned...
I can't imagine anyone would want thatseriously...
Ok so trump Â
The chimpanzeeÂ
 Approved the attack  without going to congressÂ
 What will happen next ?Â
 Will he get into any trouble ?Â
My Brother Poet Jai,
I heard he already is in big trouble, and they've taken his bananas away!
Peace and Love,
Larry xxx