Poem -

Mr Lecter's Pies...

Mr Lecter's Pies...

Mr Lecter's Pies are the most tastiest in the land,
Customers travelling miles to eat one out of hand.
Crammed with succulent sweetmeats bursting to overflowing,
His hungry clientele unsuspect what his dark mind is knowing.
Oh! They taste wickedly delicious I think I'll purchase four more,
His pies more addictive than heroin to every pie junkie carnivore.
Soon his pies would become part of pie making infamous folklore.
For Mr Lecter's Pies, local Trading Standards started to explore...

Mr Lecter himself was an odd looking chap with a leering smile,
Who carried a large net after dark more than once in a while.
He returned to his pieshop struggling with his nightly catch,
Down into the cellar and behind him firmly locked its latch.
Then there was a hell of a racket as power tools went berserk,
While Mr Lecter demonically sniggered enjoying his handiwork.
Then as day dawned Trading Standards did quickly raid,
They handcuffed Mr Lecter to end his sinful pie charade.
For they had been following up many a hospital's tipoff.
As people began bringing up fur-balls after they coughed.
Another was caught crapping in the garden of the local mayor,
When finally finished he then scratched over it an earthly layer.
As countless more chased mice and those little silver balls,
While others grew claws and started climbing up the walls.
Some started softly purring while others grew a slinky tail,
Many tried to get through cat-flaps clearly doomed to fail.
Each enjoyed a saucer of milk then slept curled up before the fire,
Every one had long whiskers not an attribute for people to admire.
So into the dark cellar they went as part of their dawn swoop,
And were horrified to find a bubbling vat labelled Cat Gloop!
So if you're an animal lover and possess a feline furry cat,
And addicted to meaty pies for they might all be just that.
For people just don't know what they are eating,
From supermarket shelves packed and greeting.
Many meaty products found in every chain,
It's pie in the sky what they really do contain...

Oh, and by the way,
Lecter's brother Hannibal also makes his own pies too,
His are inhumanly flavourful as is his homemade stew.

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Shaun! What a delightful dark write. The whole Handball/Sweeney Todd feel was brilliantly penned. I also liked the slice of reality near the end. We are too trusting as to what we consume. Personally I like to cook from scratch thank goodness. I know in France if you eat the sausages, you will eat brains. this was a refreshing read my amazing poetic friend. You know what am gonna say “all stars ⭐️  liked ❤️and pinned 📌”


Shaun Cronick

Gwen what can I say but thank you for your tower of poetry strength gracious comments.❤️
And the heads up about those French sausages. Yuk! Achey vie!!👌
You may as well flush them down the toilet and cut out the middle man.
And thank also for noticing that slice of reality towards its end.
Stat poetry frosty and I wish you well my friend.🤩


The French love to eat all the animal. My mother’s neighbour works in a meat factory and told us. But she loves brain and cooks brain on toast 🤢 I guess we all have different boats that float 😂 

My mother in her early days of living in France, accidentally bought heart, thinking it was steak. They flatten it out so it looks like a piece of steak. Be careful if you’re over there 😂 Don’t buy the steak called “coeur”

Can’t wait to read your next piece my friend :) 
Gwen ❤️x 

Tony Taylor

DUDE!!....you are crazy cool!!.....I love this...and the sarcastically happy tone with which it is ever-so cleverly delivered.......you have such a marvelous handle on timing, tone, and rhyme scheme that it REALLY makes for such a fantastical read....and a truly compelling poetic narrative that takes you away almost instantly...into its charm and horror!! (smiles)......I laughed out loud at one point!!.......ALL STARS & PINNED!!......Great stuff dear poet brother!!.....LOVE & ROCKETS!!.......T xo  : )

Shaun Cronick

Tony sir you are too kind and any and I mean ANY comment from you is poetry feedback gold-dust and always warmly welcomed.
A little moral message sown in but its the humour that hopefully delivers it.
And a smile costs nothing and a laugh is priceless in life.
Thank you Tony and Mr Sandman calleth me now but I have tomorrow off work and intend to read and catch up on your latest poetry my poetic brother.
I wish you well and simply enjoy life and poetry and all the good they both can happily bestow. 

Jill Tait

Teeeheee u r soo cleverly funnily talented my crazy brilliant poetic penfriend catchup kid 🤣💙💜💚🤣😄🌹

Shaun Cronick

Jill you are too kind and generous my poetic penfriend and this Catch Up Kid will and shall read more of your poems tomorrow.👌❤️
And a little silliness and daft as a brushness from time to time hopefully goes a long way for one and all.😄


Oh get that cat out of the oven Shaun...lol. Thoroughly enjoyed this light-hearted bit of fun my friend...best wishes to you Shaun X

Shaun Cronick

Not on you nelly Marion for they taste just like swan!!!
Thanks for your uplifting comment and I guess we can all do with a silly laugh and best wishes to you also Marion.
And I have some catching up to do on yours and other too and Slowly but surely I'll get there.
I wish you well my poetic penfriend.👌❤️

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