My mind is a prison
i'm locked inside a prison cell,
but instead of metal bars to keep from escapingĀ
i got thoughts
because my prison is my mind
and i've done some bad shit
so conscious is making me do the time
and as much as i try to forget
what a terrible person i am
i can't
because all i see is a girl in strips when i look in the mirror
i'm trapped in my mind
lets go to the cafeteria
instead of eating this slop they pass out
i simply just, pass out
id rather starve then eat the lies i'm shoving down my own throat
but if these lies are in my head
haven't i already accepted them?
you think because i smile
i'm doing "ok"?
no i'm not
but maybe if i play by the rules
i'll get out for good behavior
please tell me this idiot is my bail out
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The mind is a very curious place the Lord says in his word
whoever keeps his mindĀ on him will have perfect peace
the joy of the Lord is my strength and his promises neverĀ
fail angel good writeĀ