Poem -

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

When one approaches Niagara Falls, 
Her beguiling voice clarion calls.
Come to me my welcome plea, 
And behold my view of mystery.

Here I flow and there I go, 
Through the whirlpools far below.
Revelling in my silvery glee, 
Touching waters across the sea.

Niagara, so eternally alluring, 
Your Falls imperishably enduring.
Roar of waters cascading fast, 
Proudly swift, still you last.

Nature's gown of mist and dew, 
So more beautiful than I knew.
Oh Great Wonder of another age, 
Jewelling crown on nature's stage.

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Nature's gown of mist and dew, 
So more beautiful than I knew.

There is nothing more spectacular than nature. You captured this particular part of nature wonderfully 👏🌻✨

Shaun Cronick

Gwendoline thank you for your most kind comment and you use that great and treasured word stunning.
Which more than sums up the magnificent and alluring Niagara Falls.
How right you are and there is nothing more spectacular.
I wish you well Gwendoline and you name is of welsh origin meaning  fair bow or blessed ring.
Thanks again and glad you enjoyed reading my humble offering.


You are very welcome, anyone that can paint the beauty of nature so well, should be celebrated. And you are so humble which just makes you an even more special kind of poet 

yes Gwendoline is indeed welsh. I have a bit of Welsh in me. But mostly I am Irish 😊

happy writing 🌻

Shaun Cronick

Gwendoline, that's good to hear and thanks again.😊
And happy writing also to your good self

Jill Tait

My youngest daughter has been there & says it is awesome.. lovely write my friend ❤️💕❤️

Shaun Cronick

Jill, many thanks for your kind and always warmly welcomed comment.
And your daughter is right it is awesome, beautiful and also so mystical.
Hope to visit again one day and still in my heart I feel I have yet to do this incredible beguiling spectacle the poetic words she deserves.❤️
Ah well maybe one day.
Thanks again Jill and I wish you, your daughter and your whole family for that matter, simply the best.❤️

The fish of the sea

Been there, done that, although I wish it looked like that when I was there! Not frozen over but bloody freezing and windy. Tis an awesome place for sure. Thanks for bringing back memories Shaun. (Also mental note sorry if I have ever misspelt your name... because I know I have somewhere before...)

Shaun Cronick

Max! Good to hear from you my friend and you say it loud and clear and pull no punches, just like a Welshman!
And it's a good thing to recall memories, be they windy and cold when viewing Niagara.
And don't worry about spelling a name, to err is human and if I find it, it'll be a while, for I'm this site's most notorious late reply master.
A title I revel in!!! And hopefully some award might even be given!😃
Thanks again Max and I wish you well my friend.

Shaun Cronick

Rob, many thanks for your kind and above uplifting words and coming from you, are most respected and appreciated.
Truth be told I 've only been the once and hope to go back for this place is so mystical and a true natural wonder to see. Maybe next year when travel wise things really return to normal for everyone.
Thanks again Rob and I wish you well.

Jim "The Lad" ....

got me over a barrel with this one! nice write Shaun! .........................Jim

Shaun Cronick

Jim! Nice one! Good to hear from you and always a pleasure sir.
I hope all is well with you and all the loved ones around you too.
Thank you for reading, and honours and your most witty comment.😃
I wish you well and back later tomorrow night.
And I thank you again for all your poetic and moral support .


Well what can I say? I'm late to the party and it's all been said. Really fab write Shaun...full of beautiful imagery and a perfect read x

Shaun Cronick

Marion always room for one more and thank you for most gracious and uplifting comment and not just this one, but so many more.❤️
Niagara is a spectacle to behold and take in and you hear it before you view it.  A true wonder of nature at work.
Thank you so much Marion and not just for your kind comments bestowed, but for your poetry, inspiration and your friendship.
I have a lot of catching up and be back tomorrow night to read and comment on your latest and other members also.
In the meantime take care and I wish you well good Marion.
Your friend, Shaun.❤️


linda lank

beautifully written that's the best poetic description of Niagara Falls I have ever read

Shaun Cronick

Linda and I thank you for your beautiful comments.
Coming from a gifted poet as your good self means a lot to me and never forgotten.
I am humbled and honoured you think so much of my poetry.
Thank you and wish you well good Linda.

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