Some people like to pray in silence
and some people like to pray out loud
and some people can’t pray at all...
If they’re not in a big crowd
Some will pray for peace
while some prays for good health
And some people forgets to pray completely
When they are blessed with prosperous wealth
some people prayers are honest
and all they want is to ease their troubles
because today many people are struggling
living in poverty amongst the rubbles
so the only hope that they have
is to pray and pray and pray
some knows their prayers are never going to be answered
but it’s the only hope they have to help face another day
prayers are the life line to cling on too
when all hope is gone
prayers give us the strength
that we need to carry on
some people are so full of self-praise
praying the loudest for all to see
but its god who they really have to empress
not you and me
what a person does in his own sanctuary
is our rights and privilege as human being?
Being kind and righteous to one another
Is an act that today is seldom seen
we all are sinners
so we just got to be morally strong
and I think god would judge us for our deeds
that we perform on the road of life as we travel along
Sometimes I will pray in the corner of my room
Because I don’t prayer out in the open
And when I do my good deeds
No one will even know when
When a prayer is sincere from the heart
It is about the person and not the religion
Because god didn’t create any religion
He just created man and woman
When we look at a person for who there are
The colors of their heart will show
Those with moral, wisdom and understanding
We hold on to and the rest we will let go
We meet all kind of people every day
Some of them are Muslims and Hindus
Some of them are Christians
Catholics and Jews
Some of them are white
Some are Hispanics and Indian
Chinese and Asians
blacks and Middle Eastern
And when we talk to each other
just one on one on the street
We will always walk away saying to ourselves
What a very nice person we met
I have been to many churches
Mandirs and Mosque
And every time that I would go
They all will always welcome you
I complete a bible study course
When I was a teenage Rasta
and I read some of the Bhagwat gita
And a book about the life of hare Krishna
And If we take time to educate ourselves
about other religions and theirs cultures
then we will see that we all are not different
and we share the same hope of goodwill for each other
And it’s in the glorious Quran
And the Bhagwat gita
The holy bible
And the Jewish Torah
Regardless of who we are
Or what’s your own personal agenda
whether you are a borrower
Or if you are a lender
We all have to share this one world together
until our time here on earth is through
so let’s shake hands and I will be your friend
and I hope that you will be mine friend too
And if you take the time go to any churches
Mandirs and Mosque too
And every time you go
you will see they will always welcome you

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Hello Kaz...
It's great when the world comes together...
Some things should remain separate...
We must not accept the one world order...
Nations and Nations=Friends
We have to remain strong together and separately where it's...
Great write!Â
Thank you for sharing...
Unity is what so many desire but those preaching division and hate make that impossible. We have to heal wounds and negate the influence of intolerance to foster togetherness.
Thoughtful write indeed. Thanks for sharing !
Wishing you all the best ! Â :)
Once we learn to pray together, we will learn to live together.
I love the sentiment of the poem, Kaz and it is well written as well, courageous of you to take on the subject, yes sadly, religion can be divisive, but what a person believes is the right of that individual, and is to be respected.  Unity in of itself is a wonderful concept, but often involves compromise, if secular or religious individuals choose to align themselves with like minded individuals and institutions that respect the laws of the land and the liberty of others, isn't that there sacred rite?  In other words, is 'unity' the only concept we should embrace sacrificing individual understanding and beliefs?  Should we just merrily chant mind less cliches promoting togetherness till the cows come home?  The image that goes with the poem fills me with horror, my friend; it seems more of a 'political statement' than anything else....wars and violence are evil, mutual respect and taking the time to understand and respect the beliefs of the individual; even if we may disagree them, this is pure nobility and yes it is much harder.   Love is a great concept to embrace but we can't force or legislate it, my friend.  We don't have to all be part of the same 'religion' for the world to be at peace, I pray and hope that is not your message in this write, just saying....anyway, peace and love, and stay well  Â
Thank you very message is plain..god made man and man made relgion..but as long we respect. All and treat others as we would like them to treat us..then we all could be one
my friend, to believe that 'god made man...' is a 'religion' and isn't 'religion' by definition, a belief?  man made or not.... your message is a good message, I'm not saying it isn't, and to treat each other as we ourselves would want to be treated is one of the great concern is this concept of bringing 'all' religions together and embracing this 'new age' mentality and so called 'enlightenment'  in my opinion, simply doesn't pass the sniff test, lol, I'm not picking on you, Kaz, the poem is quite good, that's all that matters, my friend, be well
no, you are wrong .man is not religion ,man made religion. Jesus said hear my word believe in me .i,m the son of the father ...that's all I need to know....i don't condemn religion , I respect all poem is clear there's only one god  and he didn't make religion..he said he who believes in me shall have everlasting life ,whatever religion  that people choose to pray to the one god in .and they do it with a pure heart. then god will see that...I go to all churches  and mosque and mandirs and synagogue .and I see how they welcome you ,they don't ask you what's your religion ,they welcome you .. that's the way  we all should live be honest ,i really don't get the point you are trying to makeÂ
Kaz, I'm simply commenting on your poem, maybe you should ask yourself, what point I'm I trying to make? Â I don't like to repeat myself, friend, just re read the comment slower, if you don't understand it, be well
Thank you for your comment chris..have a great weekend