Onerous Ordeal

(strike while the iron's hot, else...
up prize cold hard steel Goldfinger
rewind: the following case in point).
Believe me you (stranger out there
along the information super highway),
perhaps feeling comfortably numb,
which I (personally experiencing futility)
vainly searching for Nirvana) attest
to be more appealing than flounder
(like a Phish out of roe jeers waters),
this Pink Floyd wannabe (actually live
ving an absurd existence as an A1 Deep
Purple People eater among a Band of Bitches)
oft times doth Abandon All Bob bing Hope,
when this close (a hare's breath - imagined
by thumb and index finger nearly touching)
pinching that elusive Golden Silence),
when in the throes (up raised hands
signifying Abhorrent success) hopelessly
striving to summon forth a measly poetic
creation only to Rage Against The Machine
(Ablaze In Hatred) horridly glomming fruit
less endeavor, (a far cry approximating A
Blue Ocean Dream) extremely at wits end tide
feeling the painful impact re: classic mind
paralysis vis a vis Abnormyndeffect (whereat
most diagnoses an Abomination at best,
(strongly resembling, and easily mistaken
for gingerly feigning good knight two step
A BoogieWit da Hoodie), thus mental health
specialists advocate best ditch writer's block
as an Aborted effort gone south (by About a Mile),
yea...Just Above The Golden State (The Ruins),
when...with a whoosh A Canticle for Leibowitz
manifests and Jethro Tull appears waving a
magic wand while issuing Abracadabra birthing
from out The Breach of Silence inspiration met
with immediate backlogged literary juices, and
sudden Abrogation viz A Broken Silence, where
what appeared as a budding damn fantastically
heralded breakout New York Times best seller
collapses into a Uriah Heap of absentmindedness
twisting within psychic wind Abysmal Grief pain
full Acceptance of Absolute Zero literary talent
with strong considerations for an Accidental
Suicide Usher red via shocking the body Electric
with maximum AC/DC self selected Act of Violence
Light Orchestra deadening this once Acute Mind eve
vent chilly Beck conning Adam and the Ants, the
Addiction Crew, andmost Petty full Heartbreaker i.e.
A Death in the Family unexpectedly engendering
A Different Breed of Killers who (Like the House
of The Rising Sun nemesis), essentially a Phoenix
villa fied Gorgon Twisted Sister faintly resembling
a cross between Golgotha, Adolescents, and Adonis,
when...Who should appear A Dozen Furies hence
fomenting A Dream Too Late, Adultery admonished
by an Adult Mom with a doctorate in Advanced Chemistry,
and physiology of A Few Good Men inexplicably trans
forming into A Flock of Seagulls After Dusk matter of
fact After Forever leaving an Afterglow Against Time,
a veritable Air Supply ample enough to solve every
Algebra problem posed by Alice Cooper easy enough
to solve by average Alleycats, Stray Cats and Also Eden.
I hope you enjoyed Altered Images (ideally while in an
Altered State) Among the Oak and Ash during A Month
of Somedays assigning Amorphous Androgynous (A Pale
Horse Named Death) naysaying A Positive Life!

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Hi Mathew, my placard on the protest was baby Trump between the Battersea power station towers, the message underneath was
What eclectic musical taste you have. A flock of seagulls?
Great write,