Poem -

Open Hearts Open Minds

Open Hearts Open Minds

Asgard where fair Thor dwells 
Where Viking legend has the host
In Celtic lore the fair Arrianrodh sits
In amongst the stars and spins the matrix
She is the keeper of the silver wheel
The creator of all reality that we see
The Morrigan is a goddess of war
SImilar to Kali whom I adore
The hindu goddess Kali is a destroyer
She removes the karma and ties that keep
The bad from allowing the rebirth of good
It is not a bad thing the chaso that sweeps
Removing the evil obstacles that men keep
The strega  have a star goddess
 They from ages old have maintained their 
To know to will to dare and to remain silent
No more the burning times
Is  a cry felt by all
In villages near and far
Good midwives were burned as witches
Just so men could make more money
Bringing child bed fever to many
The physicians did not even wash their hands
Many a woman died at their touch
While the midwives medicine women
Were burned as witch
In this age of modern enlightenment
We must always be wary
For persecution of what is not a custom
Or the tradition of a known religion
Each person must choose their path
Open heart, and open mind a way to God
Is each soul's responsibility 
To connect with our creator and live 
A life of service and gratitude


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