Sometimes, something isn't Rag worthy...
Don't use a perfectly good Rag on anything that doesn't...
The pain comes, maybe punishment for my indiscretions, they wonder what on earth could have been my...
Ancestors is what many say...
You know I don't know all of you...
I call you Angel......
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The path he takes this early day Is dressed in dew and straws of hay. The morning mist...
Say that three times fast...
Going for four?
Are you good?
You got this?...
along the way one shall inevitably encounter occasional and inevitable diversions .. ...
Shall I walk to the moon And rest with the stars ? Shall I fly to the sun And burn my...
If you find yourself in an unsafe, unsure, under anything that may trap you and kill you...
Wild fuchsia dances over brook by rain along the path, murmuring its spell.
Never has your inner peace depended upon What others might say For it is within those...
Forced behind the thicket fence. Roses rooted…a spiny defence. Feelings fading and I`m...
I was fourteen & walking with my friend Our eyes locked as you were walking the same as I,...
Progress your learning, By design; no standing still, Regress to yearning!
What Happened To just doing what is right?
What happened to...
Fogs mist thick upon the green of sea Whales emerge but hide, then seek the sails of the damsels...
Wishing everyone that is celebrating tomorrow a Happy Diwali for Saturday and a Happy New Year for Sunday...
People comment , Always saying you look well Little realizing The body is just a...