Already the Rich People have started to move out of New York...
The future Elects are promising free College for qualified applicants...
Though they say for All...
What will a College degree be worth when trying to get a job?
Now, they're saying you won't have to work...
Why would Tax payers pay higher taxes?
Be careful what you wish for...
You may just get it and some you won't want when you do...
Free Healthcare...
Does anyone ask how long is the wait?
People so quick to pay more, get less...
What should we call ourselves?
Modern Day Common Sense?
Perhaps lovers of Pence...
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Unfortunately . Lovers of pence I think lol . Awesome write sparrow
Hello Edward...
I wasn't going to pin this but, now with your comment that confirms the thing that makes sense and the step closest to next year's Election if they win this and Trump gets impeached...
More of my friends are planning on leaving the Country Next Year depending on the outcome of the Election...
I am going to build a House I decided and I will put it on the Market and if it sells great, if it doesn't they'll be a Caretaker who will live here for free...
I will either have less than 60 Days to move or a few years at the end of Next Year...
If I don't Vote, no one can blame me...
It will be up to the Nation...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
P.S. There'll be work for them to do so I will pay them also and whatever they need to do to prove they're as poor as the Government says they need to be...
Enough so they can eat and have whatever power source the regulations would be for the Green New Deal or whatever it'll be...
If they need anything else I will send them a gift...
That was a plan in the next 20 years anyway for me so it's nothing that their little firecracker up my butt to make me do it sooner...
They may ban Commercial Planes but, I don't think people will give up their Private Jets...
Hugs again...
Hello Silent Dreamer...
For those who pay rent or a Mortgage and who struggle to pay those as it is...
The Loan people aren't going anywhere...
The Courts will be full with Evictions...
The Foreclosure departments will need to expand...
The brightside a Lesson people won't forget...
It takes much shorter time for destruction than rebuild...
There's going to be a tiny window and if you don't go it's going to be pulled down like a shade and locked...
Fortunately, from Election Night it takes about 60 days for the new Administration to take over...
The bad part of all of it through people's hatred and stinking thinking the blame won't be in those wholly responsible...
If they do end up with any regrets sorry isn't going to fix it...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
You're such an intelligent, conscientious, nice person. I like the way you write, and care, and the person you are. (and you're a dog lover, which is awesome).
Nice write.
Hello Matthew...
Most people have not experienced Street Living in the best of circumstances...
There's a lot of things that people aren't taking into consideration which is not surprising...
They don't imagine the worst of times in the best of times, there are those who have experience and knowledge of it...
For many it's going to be a brand new ball game where they'll many balls and players but, very few catching mitts...
The ones who will live the best will be Non U.S. Citizens...
They do already...
Many can have Companies here under a disguised name and pay 0 Taxes as long as they're not a U.S. Citizen...
It's not a privilege to be a Legal U.S. Citizen living in the U.S.
It's more of a privilege if you aren't...
If the President is Mickey Mouse it wouldn't change that as long as the Rules don't change...
But, it can get far worse for U.S. Legal Citizens...
I have family here who thinks everything is going to be just fine no matter what happens...
I don't want to call them stupid but, I will say not very smart...
They'll cry to me begging for my help...
I will only be able to tell them...
You wanted to wait for the rug to be pulled from under you and I left when the rug was still in tact...
That's the difference...
They won't let me in and they won't let you out...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Hi Sparrowsong,
You're really a bright person, and so nice.
And you are so right, things do have to change. I am the Controller for a small company here in NY, and I see the struggles my boss(owner) goes through. The taxes alone in NY, are so ridiculous. I grew up in a town that was thriving, with IBM, and a lot of other businesses, and now so many have pulled out that there's nothing left here except 2 Walmarts, and a large university. Jobs are really scarce, and everyone's leaving. All my friends from High School have left the area. It's really sad. Yet, I've got a neighbor, with 4 kids, who doesn't work, yet has all kinds of governmental money for new TV's, phones, etc. And, I drive through the 'bad' part of town on my way into work, and there are just throngs of able-bodied people sitting on their porches, drinking beer, or whatever, having a grand old time, while I work 10 hour days. I don't know, just doesn't seem right, or fair.
Anyway, Sparrow, sorry for venting, but it's true what you say, things have got to change.
Hello Matthew...
You can ask those that you 're seeing and they won't tell you how they do it because, it's probably not legal...
They will tell who you Who the F*#@& Are you?
It's none of your Business...
The Government doesn't care so why do you?
Even if you compliment them and tell them you're envious of their life style and offer them a Beer and Cash Mum's the Word...
I worked 3 Jobs taking care of my kids I love a beat up 18 year old car...
People we're having kids every year or so and they were driving brand new cars...
I was told your Children are White that's your problem...
Have a Multi Racial child and your problems will be over...
A Government Employee told me that back in 1990 when I was asking for $30 because, my son had got sick and I needed to get him medicine...
I brought 3 Months of Pay Stubs, Rent Receipts, Utility Bills, and the Prescription and they said no can't help you...
As I was leaving a Single Mother with 4 Kids was getting more Cash and she was getting more Food Stamps because, she was Pregnant again...
The next day I asked my Boss if I could borrow $30 for medicine and he could deduct it from my check and he said no because, it would mess up payroll...
So, I sold my Car for $300 for a Quick Sale to someone on Welfare and they were going to sell it for the Blue Book Value because, they didn't need the money right away...
I ended up taking the Cab and Busses for awhile to get to work...
So, when it comes to change we have to make our own...
Hugs again...
I drove a beat up 18 year old car... Not I love...
Smart devices...
LOL. It's OK, I understood, Sparrow.
You are a fantastic person. I really like the way you think, and the morals, and values you have. Sorry about the things that went on in your life, but it seems to have made you a really strong, great person. It's nice to know you.
Hugs back at you.
Hello Matthew...
I am completely aware also of the uncertainty with what's going on in New York and the Amazon thing...
I was so excited that that would have been a very good thing...
I couldn't believe it...
One thing for sure everyone there knows who's the real problem...
They may even run for Presidency in the future...
I wish you the best and I really hope it turns for the better and the problems can be fixed...
Hugs back again...
Even though the world is crazy, and unfair, and mean, it's brightened by wonderful people like you.
You're a ray of sunshine, my friend.
Feathers nothing is free. The free college will be reserved for the brightest progressives out there. The rest will be digging trenches for the pigs to wallow in their power
Hello Greg...
There's even discussion to confiscate People's inheritance when a loved one dies...
They call it a Death Tax...
The College Degree will be as useful as only having a High School Diploma...
People will need a Master's Degree...
The rest will be digging trenches for the pigs to wallow in their power...
People won't have any idea of what's going on because, they won't be able to afford to keep their Electricity on and definitely won't be able to afford the internet...
Can't let all those stackable Coffins go to waste that Obama ordered and the Tax payers paid for...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Good morning sparrow song , it does matter if the rich get a tax cut or have them raised they will find a way not to pay while the rest us end up paying the bulk of the money , a great writer , rock
Hello Rock...
Little known secrets right?
They can on do it and get away with it...
That's what makes them them and the rest won't be in prison for Tax Evasion and money laundering...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Hello Matthew...
Crazy is what crazy does...
Thank you very much for your sweet comment and support!