Perfecting The Russian Collusion (Dedicated To Greg Tucker)
Oft times when something is created
It is raw and not defined
It takes decades to make it perfect
And get it well refined
Donald Dumb Ass is a moron
Semi-Literate does he be
But with the formula almost perfected
The final touch, was simple see
Take some important trips to Russia
Screw some whores and make a plan
For the marriage of our two countries
With Vlady Putin, as his best man
The collusion then was set in motion
The rednecks most impressed
With this fat and blubbering idiot
Like them, so mentally distressed
Then aided by all the tampering
Arranged by Vladimir
This jackass became our President
The culmination of erudite fear
But now, just two years later
Our country has tired of his lies
Soon his abbreviated stay in the White House
Will come to its demise
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unfortunately your hypothesis is pure fiction. The Baffoon became president because the left divided the country so much that the hard workers and average joes had enough. The only collusion was bought and paid for by Hilary. At least Trump has changed the economy
My dear friend Greg,
I think there is a typo in your first line, for you wrote "pure", when you should have written, "pulp". That's what Trump's whole act is, one big work of smoke and mirrors, the rantings of a fourth grade child that never grew up. Obama saved Wall Street, and Detroit. Whatever surge has happened in the economy, has nothing to do with Trump. Lastly, I can't believe that a man of your superior intelligence can't see that Trump is Russia's puppet, paid for and sponsored by Putin.
Just wait till January, when Adam Schiff starts investigating. Even you won't believe what he is going to prove.
To quote one of our Forefathers, "I don't believe in what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it".
Love you Bro,
Larry xxx
Hello Larry...
I'm going to leave you boys at it...
It's not much different than listening to Trump and Obama themselves...
I don't know who wins or loses but, I will back in a few years when it's through...
Best wishes and blessings!
My Dear sparrowsong,
I am "gobbling" up your comment, on this Thanksgiving day.
Just sit back, wait for January, and tell me what your thoughts are in April. (Any day except April Fool's Day please).
Also, sorry about your most unhappy experience at Greg's. Glad you got out of there before it was too late.
Larry xxx
Obama's been gone for two years economy is now good according to Barry, I thought he lives in Canada...
Obama effects sure took awhile...
Imagine if everyone's was that slow...
Even the effects are shy...
How sweet is that?
I look forward to seeing your name on the ballot...
Not Canada, France?
How far away is that?
How fast do effects travel?
It depends on the effects themselves is that right?
Parts of Mumbai eats Male Sparrows they consider it an aphrodisiac...
Here people thought it was Oysters...
My Dear Sweet sparrowsong,
Speaking of France, during the Paris accord, when 130 nations signed the document, pledging to help curtail global warming, Trump was the only one who refused to sign it, calling global warming a hoax.
Larry xxx
Actually Economist say the boom is due to de regulation through the trump administration not Obama. It is hard to hear the truth but don't listen to me, listen to the experts.
Thanks for the info, Greg, but I still fear that a recession is heading our way, if Trump is not stopped soon.
Larry xxx
I can only wonder since you're more perfect and you understand the problems in the Country and the World why you're only complaining and not running this Country to make it a better place?
I understand there's two categories of people the complainers and the doers...
There's so much mental illness today that I don't know how they can make a good and clear choice...
We are certainly seeing the effects of what's not working...
Trump probably paid no attention to the Global warming as most people don't pay attention of many things when they're much too busy to actually see it and ignoring what's going on...
What do you say to all the people who say they didn't know?
They weren't aware?
I hope they're not voting because,, they have no clue...
How do you sign something you don't understand?
He was and is a man...
You want perfection I'm looking at you to do it...
I wonder how many people can honestly say they never peed in the ocean...
People still swim everyday...
My Dear Sweet sparrowsong,
So Trump is the only leader, out of 130 others, that doesn't understand what global warming is?
I know he's dumb, but the real reason he refused to sign, is because many of his backers are oil company executives, who want to keep destroying Mother Nature, and are pushing hard for that horrible fracking.
I am by no means perfect, but the person who runs this country, should have enough erudite people in his Cabinet, to help him make wise decisions. But Trump changes Cabinet members and advisors like people change underwear. It is "agree with him", or your gone.
And yes, I have peed in the ocean many times.
I also shat in it once, when I thought I saw a shark.
Larry xxx