Plastic panelled flat
Plastic walls plastic windows too
Plastic bathroom with a plastic loo
Plastic door leading to a plastic balcony
From where tenants will be amazed
By how far they can see
Plastic handles fixed on plastic doors
Plastic carpets laid on plastic floors
Plastic kettle filled should anybody call
Sixty-inch plastic T V set
On the living room wall
Plastic panels on outside walls keep the tenants warm
Providing insulation from bleak midwinter storms
Builders say if there’s a fire they’ll act as firebreaks
All “guaranteed” to survive level 1 earthquakes!
(Our homes are full of plastic inside and outside
Which when they burn produce toxic cyanides
Dioxins and furans and carbon monoxide gases
Killing by stealth or ruining health causing
Cancer impotence hormonal changes allergiesÂ
Asthma and other respiratory diseases)
Living in a plastic panelled flat the only thing
Not plastic is the cat – and the tenants of course –
But it’s not unaffected it’s feeling quite dejected
Was it the only one to smell a rat?Â
I’m glad that I don’t live in a plastic panelled flat
Where everything is plastic including the front doormat
They’re dangerous to live in for years the facts were known
Small fires become infernos as Grenfell Tower has shown
Where Adults! Children! And babies? And babies! Died!
Their lives needlessly lost for the sake of two pounds!
Two pounds extra profit or cost saved for each plastic-filled
Fire-safe wall panel fixed! You couldn’t make it up!
@ Rowland Paul Hill 1 October 2017
(my response to the Grenfell Tower disaster in London in June 2017
and anger towards the people and organisations responsible for the
deaths of up to 8- or even more innocent people.)
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Hello Rowland...
Tragedy beyond words...
Build cheap to profit more isn't that how it is more and more?
Great awareness write!
Thank you for sharing...
Hi Sparrowsong.
Your words are so true!
But it's not just the building materials. I gather the fire started with a cheap plastic
fridge freezer.
When I look around my own house I am amazed by how much/ many of the contents
are based on plastics and other synthetic materials.
I'll have to loosen the purse strings a tad more in future!