Poem -

Poetic justice

True declared independence

An infinite nine that hate but love so lusts true thin line 
 A heart with crossed old to new so constant scorn 
     A Milky Way the bars lost to the scars and dark of a once easy basin to summit 
Climb and resserected the 10 in a gestated numerical 9 decided by socialized 
  Addiction and security of the inner prison 
A twist then fates acunatin wants a perfect bust so nefrititi and the loose clinical signature to the mark slayed in after dark when the rest of the 8 count but miss the astro project of deciding true relative stars 
     A bleed to read a spy glass of natures cut then sleeved to a devided time line as one singular rather than infinite entirety 
 Twisted and bound to an anatomical break up upon arrival 
     Sunburst from true sun kiss the miracles locked away in the blitzed we don or dark to bliss thin 
   A cosmic charge now the new climactic perpetual motion lost at large now found full bounty and reverse the wrapture in the roll of the pieces and parts 
   Horace and  Aphrodite 
An obvious arrival now tho seemingly the good with the face of Hyde inside until the moons blue book arrest strikes your midnights train to needless sleep until final free in rest a true Sharon’s head crest the low keys so the resin of our best
   All born to 12 but at best numerically born and labeled the address of that  devide to the empathic vision quest of knowing not seeing the other sides of the project 
 So 3 to plead in the landing zzzzzzzzzs a plot of a axel and Lilith the new claim of the first woman to start denied the equality to be on top so the false struggle of who came first and who’s back to the knots 
That’s just a little depth now ponder this a Kew  of knots ( Akhenaten) in the never tie t (Nefertiti) or       raise the bar so to speak of the cosmic eggs arc after neurotic firing of  dark to age from the light lost to sleeps stage 
   Original abomination the Obama nation one in the same with his sister Michael born to the same parent but illite in there status of reoccurrence
  A change in titles then wave goodbye in the avatar but tar tar us slaved eyes and afterlife contract to body snatch then mental climb reincarnate on the genes we bleed so flow to a Steele of the light that’s the one true world when full so while inside 
  Check the history they’re evil and the trump card was the seas pool of the last play then end of times like there cropped circles imprint then genetically say 
       Satan himself that bar racks or barrack of nuclear implosion and reincarnating on others roses 
  They chanced false claims with the idea to resserection there purpose and deny us our sakes 
 Sorry but Horace and  Aphrodite the true first woman and man now back again but that I won’t tell because it’s not my secret to release so I’ll stay with my know and never hide or seek I got high hopes for u all and I dream daily never to the timeless night sky of forever closing internal eyes 
     NATO not a taboo original the fire nations take over to anode then flip after twisting the celestial from the bodies soul 
 A full cast for one mass collective no negative always prime math until sequenced the language of art before love the painters craft with no limits of choice and cha,ge so numerically guilt belongs to the plague they carry and illustrate the immunity to the lights they align thru stars and all the action of roll play that lead these love then hate bars with the hook to keep the drop then trigger to catch what’s left in the diversity of the message meant soft not to rushed to hard 
They are nephlim and the return of that beastly primal mark primed from the start to prime bottom then up full to the top the apparition of internal deliverance cloned out and away forever from the true flow and crystallizing cyndtical call of back side curtains circuits for levitation a craft with now true side to side do sway never equator to the equilibrium of the true u me her him meet your maker new start 
 It’s not them so look inside that was the plan but YouTube’s got all u need to know look it up find the illite they look the same until the try and change one last piece 
  A claim she’s the isis of the lights left yet the same nazi agents looking for our internal patience thru suppressed then released possible higher rate the change energetic signature then charge 
      The red matter the rising red dragon to the tune of yellow the stone once good until to many folds now the atomic gps of a trump play make there mark in his idol 
  As they bunker with a price to the new wave 
       Covid 19 is a final drop of bio chemical ware fare the booster shots then flu every year to constrict the sinuses then constrict the air to brain then body giving partial immune system to the pollinated rain emotional charts 
     It’s war they travel and employ to live again where they’ve lost all hope because joy begins with u the him or her 
   An easy roll invert the chemical coal and let the canabolistic virus eat then sink itself 
 Same snake same poison same bacteria same virus so same solution be it the arterial or constrictive airways in the poisons side light to dark 

Health I’ve dialed and delivered the cure to this attack but a denial at the cdc gate when I offered the public’s opinion but actual cure I’ve detailed and they won’t use that advice 
     So truth is out aliens exist and there not and never have been friends 
 Family is extra terrestrial until larger terrain from inner pores not third eye calcified then sink to sinc the Atlantic City in of the crystal pine needles to a center gland den 
  It takes three fully displaced to the full armor all equal individual protection 
      So breathe deep open your valves and crossed halls because it’s war but it’s the last after the dark ages have new light shed on true choice and the light before final dark 

The two atom and eve even ark that true dat of evening the rest of two met to night so never dark 
 Prime making after pro creative dating the eternities peace at the top of conceptual 
Changes and ratings 
   So infinity is a count but infinite is a Drought until Internal eternal drown before eternity living the lights accention in these paper trail claims to an outward crown 
   Hardly in Harley Quinn never quilled whole never penned so ink bleeds never bleeds in just an aura leak out while we fight for the chemistry of our creative motion 
    All claims all fallen to the shame if your not answer the call in equal to the climb out 
Finish plague dark matter now leak to space as true black never backer 

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