Despite being a nineteen year old bride she wed Boyce Brandon Harris half a decade her...
These words were spoken. No last goodbyes, There he stood, to close her eyes. ...
Everybody isn't your friend. Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn't mean...
When you stood on the bridge He alone stood firmly by your side. When you almost fell off the...
Where tears are shed upon a grave An Angel puppy rises strong and remade Remembers all the...
Something wonderful will happen when your life comes to an end. You will go to Heaven when you die...
I went to Switzerland ready for euthanasia, a terminal end was not wanted, a bit peculiar, ...
Light me on fire And watch me burn Watch me go up in gray smoke My smoking hot body...
Do you want to return - no, it was enough, we will meet again - no, you don't like - tough, ...
The golden light of heaven shining brightly in a golden candlelight of peace and love Golden...
As she laid under the stars, She watched as the red river flowed, Slowly as it mixed with the...
In 10 years who will you be? That's a question I get asked often.
They all expect me to say...
I hate that I can't watch you grow,play,laugh and run. I hate that you had to leave before you could...
I want to feel the sweet warm embrace of death Like a cold fall day with a hot coffee Expect...
I asked my travel agent where he was going this year, he said: 'I'm not, staying at home and...
Lying in the forest Without a breeze around The pine needles sing High up in the crown...