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Poem -

Harriet Harris née Kuritsky...

Harriet Harris née Kuritsky...

Despite being a nineteen year old bride
she wed Boyce Brandon Harris
half a decade her...

Poem -

Room 11

Room 11

These words were spoken.
No last goodbyes,
There he stood,
to close her eyes.

Poem -


Life Lesson


Everybody isn't your friend.
Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn't mean...

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The Broken Bridge

The Journey

The Broken Bridge

When you stood on the bridge
He alone stood firmly by your side.
When you almost fell off the...

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Boston’s Rainbow

Written in loving memory of our angel puppy Boston. We love and...

Boston’s Rainbow

Where tears are shed upon a grave
An Angel puppy rises strong and remade
Remembers all the...

Poem -

Everybody Will Be Friends

Something wonderful will happen when your life comes to an end.
You will go to Heaven when you die...

Poem -



I went to Switzerland ready for euthanasia,
a terminal end was not wanted, a bit peculiar,

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Fire and Ashes

Fire and Ashes

Light me on fire
And watch me burn
Watch me go up in gray smoke
My smoking hot body...

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The Secrets Of Life

The Secrets Of Life

Do you want to return - no, it was enough,
we will meet again - no, you don't like - tough,

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The Golden Light: The...

The Golden Light: The Kingdom of Heaven

The golden light of heaven shining brightly in a golden candlelight of peace and love

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Endless Slumber

Endless Slumber

As she laid under the stars,
She watched as the red river flowed,
Slowly as it mixed with the...

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In 10 years

In 10 years

In 10 years who will you be?
That's a question I get asked often.

They all expect me to say...

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What I hate most...

This poem is dedicated to my son who passed away 01/05/2019...

What I hate most...

I hate that I can't watch you grow,play,laugh and run.
I hate that you had to leave before you could...

Poem -


I want to feel the sweet warm embrace of death
Like a cold fall day with a hot coffee

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Time To Move On

Time To Move On

I asked my travel agent where he was going this year,
he said: 'I'm not, staying at home and...

Poem -



Lying in the forest
Without a breeze around
The pine needles sing
High up in the crown...